
The BEPSII community is committed to gather sea ice biogeochemistry data and provide analyses of raw data. Compilation of raw data is based on the use of the ASPECT-bio spreadsheet to format data and treatment with the “BEPSII ice core analyzer” Matlab routines. This format also allows for the integration of sea ice data in the SOOSmap repository (for Southern ocean data only)

Several compilation have been completed so far

The ASPeCt-bio excel log sheet

BEPSII encourage the use of the ASPeCt bio spreadsheet for data archiving since it allows

blank spreadsheet | exemple

The ASPeCt-bio log sheet is described in  Meiners et al. (2012) and more thoroughly in Miller et al. (2015).

The BEPSII ice core analyzer –a Matlab package for sea ice core analysis 

 Processing hundreds or thousands of sea ice core data is cumbersome and boring. There are many issues: missing data, different core lengths and different depths for ice core sections. To facilitate this task, Martin Vancoppenolle coded several Matlab 2015 functions, performing standard tasks, like reading a group of files, interpolating ice-core profiles on the same grid, etc... All the things that one always needs to do and takes most of the analysis time. These scripts are shared "as it is". They are by no means complete or guaranteed.

They are based on the ASPeCt-bio excel log sheets 

Short presentation of the package (slides) | extended presentation (pdf)