Agenda BEPSII/ECV-ice General meeting 2023

Draft Agenda, updated on 9.3.23 - BEPSII & ECVice Meeting

March 11-14th 2023, La Jolla, USA

Scripps Institute of Oceanography - map below

All times are in local time zone

Please, ALL, prepare 1-slide presentation with your name, affiliation, background, and scientific interest by March 10th. 

Instructions to upload it will be sent after registration deadlines to all registered attendees.  



Day 1- Saturday, March 11th

13:00 Lunch at Caroline's seaside cafe and afternoon - ECR event, Eeva and Pat  (Place: Vaughn Hall 100, room entrance is on the outside of the building, facing the water, Zoom link sent by Eeva)

19:00 Evening dinner - SC meeting La Jolla Shores restauramt

21:00 SC Zoom (zoom link in SC email)

Zoom link for the entire BEPSII meeting sent by email to participants

Day 2- Sunday, March 12 (Place: Martin Johnson House)

9:00-9:10 Welcome: introduction to BEPSII, ECVice, meeting goals, logistics   (N. Steiner)

9:10-10:10 Round table, 1-minute pitch by each participant (ALL, instructions above)                       

10:10 - 10:55 “Effective Communication for Scientists” class (Yann Ilunga)

10:50 - 11:15  Coffee break

11:15-11:45 Science talks

"Macronutrient biogeochemistry in Antarctic land-fast sea ice: insights from a circumpolar data compilation" (Sian Henley)

11:45 -12:30 Discussion on BEPSII field school, report from ECR, feedback form, outlook and plans to go ahead with Saroma Ko plan (D. Nomura, L. Tedesco, E. Eronen-Rasimus)

(Note, to ensure sufficient funding either choose year where BEPSII meeting is online or have the BEPSII meeting at Saroma – coordination with CIce2Clouds, participation in field school and CIce2Clouds meeting to be discussed. Remember SCOR-WG limited lifetime).(N. Steiner, J. Stefels)

12:30-13:30 lunch break

13:30-14:00  Discussion on international climate events: WCRP (Kigali,Rwanda, Oct 23-27), COP28 (Nov6-17, Dubai) (N. Steiner, J. Stefels)

14:00-14:30 Updates CIce2Clouds (N. Steiner)

14:30-15:00 Update on upcoming BEPSII-related field campaigns (N. Steiner, J. Stefels)

15:00‐17:00  Coffee, Group photo & Poster session (posters will remain up for the duration of the meeting and can be revisited during breaks) 

Day 3- Monday March 13 (Place: Martin Johnson House)

BEPSII Annual update

9:00-9:10 Introduction: update on BEPSII activities (N. Steiner,J. Stefels)

9:10-11:00 Updates from TGs - Part 1:  

• TG2: Technology and Data collection (include Potential Planning for technology workshop) (L. Miller, K. Meiners)

• TG3: Modelling and Observational process studies (Including IAMIP1 update) (N. Steiner, E. Eronen-Rasimus)

• TG4: Synthesis (S. Moreau (include update on sea-ice carbon pump paper), D. Lannuzel)

• TG5: Outreach (Include FYM update, note separate time slot for school discussion) (B. Delille, L.Tedesco, P. Wongpan)

11:00-11:20 coffee break

11:20-12:30 ECVice Final Meeting - Part 1

• General ECVice updates (B. Else, D. Nomura, F. Fripiat )

• CHARS Intercomparison experiment (B. Else, D. Nomura, K. Campbell et al.)

• Historical compilation of bulk chambers for CO2 fluxes (D. Nomura)

• Historical compilation of primary production (F. Fripiat)

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 BEPSII-SOLAS webinar - Sulfur Cycling at High Latitudes: New Discoveries and Challenges

Science presentations (Chairs J. Stefels, L. Miller)

15:30-16:00 coffee break

16:00-16:45 ECVice Final Meeting - Part 2

16:45-17:30 Discussion on data compilations (status, papers, resources needed, new compilations, lead F. Fripiat)

18:30 group dinner (and party! :)) Osteria Romantica.

Day 4- Tue March 14th (half day, Place: Martin Johnson House)

9:00-10:15 Update Antarctic PA – discussion to finalize manuscript (K. Meiners)

10:15-10:40 coffee break

10:40-12:00 start on Antarctic Policy brief  (K. Meiners)

12:00-13:00 Final BEPSII discussion (N. Steiner, J. Stefels)

·       Brief discussions on:

  status Special Issue

  Affiliation with partners/Finances   

      SC updates

·   BEPSII sessions at IGS meeting (Bremerhaven) and SOOS meeting (Hobart)

·   next annual meeting will be online – 2024 ECR focus school or exchange

·   a.o.b.

·       Review 5 year plan (if we run out of time, this can be done in follow-up SC meeting based on meeting discussions)

·       Wrap up and closing of the BEPSII annual meeting 


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BEPSII Twitter profile: @BEPSII_seaice

BEPSII Youtube channel:

BEPSII podcast:

BEPSII Elementa special feature website: