Forest Garden Product Certification (FGP)

Because Analog Forestry focusses on biodiversity recovery in combination with organic farming on small forest farm plots, and thereby going ‘beyond organic’. It concerns products that are grown in an agricultural system called Analog Forestry, implying that forests in degraded areas are being restored analogous to the original ecosystem before deforestation and destructive commercial development took place. The agricultural products grown in these restored forests are called Forest Garden Products (FGPs). The International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN), with its standard setting body, initiated the development and the continuing evolvement of standards for the certification of these products, which include criteria such as analog forestry implementation techniques, organic methods of farming, biodiversity quantification, carbon calculation, and social responsibility.

In 2015, a small group came together to produce a set of FGP standards for the PGS system. Dr. Ranil Senanayake, Lorena Gamboa, Lawrence Goldberg, Piyal Wijeratne, Trudy Juriansz and Sion Zivetz drafted FGP PGS standards which have been accepted by the Good Market as the world's first pilot FGP PGS program. Documents for the FGP PGS system are here.

Standards for Forest Garden Products are here.

For more information on FGP visit this page and this page.