Guidelines for Computer Use

On Belipola's public computers, pleasereset the language to English when you finish. If you change the language on a computer (in the word processor, in the browser, in Google or in anything else) please change it back to English when you finish. Most people do not know how to change the language and your thoughtfulness here will save other users a lot of time and effort.

Please post a photo each week

with a comment onto our facebook

This helps our friends around the world stay in touch with what is happening here.

We are gradually adding more information to our intranet site.

Please add your comments, suggestions, feedback to the bottom of any intranet page.

Use our intranet to find out what you need to

Leave an idea or suggestions here.Leave us feedback, comments, suggestions, ideas for improvement (especially if they are thing you would like to contribute to making happen) in this page, in the comments section below.