Great Weblinks

I am starting off with weblinks to the ITA website at Autism Speaks and our Innovative Technology Initiative. You will find information there about the researchers behind some of the technologies mention on this site. I also include a short video of our Tech Demo in May of 2010 that is mentioned a lot on these pages. More educationally relevant links are provided at the end of this page in a table. These will be really useful for you and continue where I leave off on this site with lots more great tools!. Thanks for joining the site and please feel free to send me any new technology tools for addition here at

Please see also pages on Caring Technologies and Rethink Autism linked to this page

Innovative Technologies for Autism website at Autism Speaks

Short web video highlighting our 2010 Autism Speaks Tech Demo in Philly. Matthew Goodwin, my co-chair on the ITA committee at Autism Speaks does a lovely job of describing what we do, You hear from Geri Dawson, the Science Director and Peter Bell, a parent and board member of Autism Speaks. Wonderful points made about the focus of research having to be on children who have the disorder now, not how and why we can prevent or discover causes. Technology is one great way to deal with the impairments in autism and you will see a number of great 'toys' , robots and tools in this video that we hope will eventually make it to your classrooms!:

Liz Ditz shares her technologies for Autism and twitters at @thinkingautism. Here is her blog http://lizditz/

and use the UDL toolkit