Subject Artifacts

UNL SIR repository: UNL SIR

    • language:C# type:Structural testing
      1. Azure: Azure open source cloud platforms
      2. CaramelEngine: Caramel Engine is an open source C# implementation of a logic engine aimed for a wide variety of games
      3. CodePlexClient: CodePlexClient is a source control client that enables users to edit workspace offline and synchronize with the server when connected
      4. Dsa: Data structures and algorithms (Dsa) provides various data structures, complementing those from the .NET framework
      5. DurboBax: DurboDax enables customer support centers to manage customer data
      6. Facebook: Facebook is a popular social network website that connects people with friends and others whom they work, study, and live around
      7. NUnit: NUnit is widely used open source unit testing frameworks for all .NET languages.
      8. Odyssey: Odyssey is an open source WPF Control library
      9. QuickGraph: QuickGraph is a popular C# graph library that provides various graph data structures and algorithms such as depth-first search
      10. RiskIt: RiskIt is an insurance quote application that makes estimation based on users’ personal information, such as zipcode and income
      11. STPG: STPG is an open source program hosted by the codeplex website, which contains snapshots of check-ins in the code repositories for STPG
      12. StringDefs: StringDefs is an open source C# library for providing abstracted stringprocessing routines comparable to those of scripting languages such as Perl and Python
      13. Structorian: structorian is an open source tool for binary-data viewing and reverse engineering
      14. UnixUsage: UnixUsage is an application to obtain statistics about how users interact with the Unix systems using different commands
      15. XUnit: XUnit is widely used open source unit testing frameworks for all .NET languages