Programming on Mobile Devices

    1. Hao Lu, Yang Li. Gesture Coder: A Tool for Programming Multi-Touch Gestures by Demonstration. In CHI 2012. [PDF][Video]
    2. Wolfgang Slany. Catroid: a mobile visual programming system for children. In IDC 2012. [ACM Lib][Catrobat open source, subprojects]
    3. Werner Dietl, Stephanie Dietzel, Michael D. Ernst, Nathaniel Mote, Brian Walker, Seth Cooper, Timothy Pavlik and Zoran Popović. Verification Games: Making Verification Fun. In FTfJP 2012. [PDF]
    4. Tobias Gritschacher and Wolfgang Slany. 2012. Standing on the shoulders of their peers: success factors for massive cooperation among children creating open source animations and games on their smartphones. In IDC 2012. [ACM Lib]
    5. Marc Hesenius,Carlos Dario Orozco Medina,Dominikus Herzberg. Touching Factor: Software Development on Tablets. In Software Composition 2012. [Springer]
    6. Tiago Almeida,Hugo Sereno Ferreira,Tiago Boldt Sousa. A Collaborative Expandable Framework for Software End-Users and Programmers. In CDVE 2012. [Springer]
    7. Sean McDirmid. Coding at the Speed of Touch. Onwards! 2011. [PDF]
    8. Seth Cooper, Firas Khatib, Ilya Makedon, Hao Lu, Janos Barbero, David Baker, James Fogarty, Zoran Popović, and Foldit players. Analysis of social gameplay macros in the Foldit cookbook. In FDG 2011. [PDF] project homepage
    9. Craig Anslow, Stuart Marshall, James Noble, and Robert Biddle. Interactive Multitouch Surfaces for Software Visualization. In DEXIS 2011. [PDF][Proceedings]
    10. Mark Edwin Stenerson. Academic Game Development: Practices and Design Strategies for Creating STEM Games. Master Thesis. [PDF]
    11. G. Essl. Mobile Phones as Programming Platforms. In PMMPS 2010. [pdf]
    12. Tools/Discussions