
Peer-Support Group for Junior Faculty

in Software Engineering

Who can join it?

  • Pre-tenured faculty members in software engineering.
  • Tenured faculty members in software engineering with no more than 3 years after being tenured.

When a group member grows to be ineligible, the member needs to leave the group (by self-unsubscribing or being unsubscribed by the current group facilitator).

What can a member get out of it?

  • Get peer support in exchanging ideas and sharing experience and information to address challenges faced by junior faculty members in software engineering.
  • Get convenient ways of initiating collaborations and establishing social networks among junior faculty members in software engineering.

How can a member participate?

(Your subscriptions below need to be assessed and approved by the current group facilitator based on the above eligibility)

Suggestions on improving the group's organization and activities are welcome! Please contact the current group facilitator listed below with your suggestions.

Current group facilitator

Tao Xie