Our implementation is based on Jazz RTC (Eclipse 3.4) SDK. The implementation consists of client and server components. In case of the client component update, you can easily update the component similar to the other eclipse plugins. In case of the server component update, you need to provisioning before deploying the component.

  • JDF Client Component
    1. Start Eclipse
    2. Choose [Help] - [Software Updates...]
    3. Click [Add Site...]
    4. Enter http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ysong2/projects/jdf/client-update/ in the [Location] text field and click [OK]
    5. Install the [JDF Client Feature]
    6. Restart the RTC Client
    7. Check out whether JDF Client Components are installed correctly as shown below

  • Usage
    1. Open a defect
    2. Select the defect and click [Find Pontential Duplicates (JDF)]

3. Wait for a while to display the results.


    1. Deploying HelloJfs into Jazz Foundation server using Provisioning (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ProvisionAppInJFS)