
ASE - News

News (News Blog)

03/04/12: MCPS Workshop 2013 accepted a paper by John Majikes, Rahul Pandita, and Tao Xie

12/14/12: FASE 2013 accepted a paper by Wei Yang and Tao Xie (23%)

12/14/12: FASE 2013 accepted a paper by Tao Xie (23%)

11/26/12: Congratulations to Xusheng Xiao for successfully passing his preliminary oral exam

11/07/12: Congratulations to Kunal Taneja for successfully defending his PhD dissertation (he joined Accenture Labs)

08/16/12: New PhD student, Haolan Fan, joins ASE group

08/15/12: ACSAC 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie (19%)

06/28/12: SRDS 2012 accepted a conference short paper by Tao Xie

06/18/12: FSE 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie (17%)

06/18/12: FSE 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie (17%)

06/18/12: FSE 2012 accepted a paper by Xusheng Xiao (17%)

06/14/12: ASE 2012 accepted a conference short paper by Tao Xie (35%)

06/14/12: ASE 2012 accepted a conference short paper by JeeHyun Hwang (35%)

05/18/12: TSE 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie

05/10/12: Summer internships: Rahul Pandita at FDA, Xusheng Xiao at NEC Lab, Sihan Li at Microsoft Research Asia, Kiran Shakya at ABB Research, Wei (David) Yang at Fujitsu Lab, Xiao (Lester) Yu at Microsoft Research Asia

04/30/12: IEEE Computer 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie

04/18/12: MaSST 2012 accepted a paper by JeeHyun Hwang

04/10/12: NIST awarded a 9-month grant to Tao Xie

05/31/12: Microsoft Research awarded a SEIF grant to Tao Xie

12/01/11: WEH 2012 will have Tao Xie as a keynote speaker

02/23/12: ITiCSE 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie

01/27/12: ICSE 2012 accepted a paper by Rahul Pandita and Xusheng Xiao (21%)

01/27/12: ICSE 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie (21%)

12/29/11: ICST 2012 accepted a paper by Tao Xie

12/11/11: ICPE 2012 accepted a paper by JeeHyun Hwang

12/01/11: SCAM 2012 will have Tao Xie as a keynote speaker

11/26/11: TNSM 2012 accepted an article by JeeHyun Hwang

11/13/11: IEEE Software 2012 accepted an article by Linghao Zhang

10/17/11: Adavances in Computers 2012 accepted a book chapter by Xusheng Xiao and Suresh Thummalapenta

09/30/11: MALETS 2011 (slides) accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

07/20/11: ASE 2011 (slides) accepted a tutorial proposal by Tao Xie

07/15/11: ASE 2011 accepted 2 full conference papers and 1 short conference paper by Tao Xie (2*15%+1*short:37%)

06/13/11: OOPSLA 2011 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta (37%)

05/29/11: ESEC/FSE 2011 accepted a paper by Kunal Taneja (17%)

05/27/11: Xusheng Xiao received Award for Innovative Use of Microsoft Technology at ICSE 2011 ACM SRC

04/14/11: ISSTA 2011 accepted a paper by Kunal Taneja (29%)

04/05/11: Xusheng Xiao selected for Cascadia Innovation Fellowship

04/01/11: ASEJ A special issue of selected papers of ASE 09 accepted two articles by Suresh Thummalapenta and Hao Zhong, respectively

03/28/11: JeeHyun Hwang and Xusheng Xiao selected as Finalists in National Security Innovation Competition

03/15/11: Tapia 2011 accepted a doctoral symposium submission and travel scholarship submission by Justin Gorham

03/07/11: CSEE&T 2011 accepted a tutorial proposal by Tao Xie

03/04/11: Tao Xie Named ACM Distinguished Speaker

01/29/10: ICSE 2011 accepted a demo paper by Xusheng Xiao (37%)

01/29/10: ICSE 2011 accepted a demo paper by Xi Ge and Kunal Taneja (37%)

01/25/10: Tao Xie Named IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor

01/22/10: ICSE 2011 accepted an ACM Student Research Competition paper by Xusheng Xiao

12/16/10: ICSE 2011 SEIP accepted a conference paper by alumni Mithun Acharya (18%)

12/11/10: FASE 2011 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta and Madhuri Marri (29%)

12/11/10: FASE 2011 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (29%)

12/08/10: NIST awarded a 3-year grant to Tao Xie

11/24/10: Congratulations to Suresh Thummalapenta for successfully defending his PhD dissertation (he will join IBM Research India in Jan 2011)

11/17/10: ICSE 11 accepted a conference paper by Xusheng Xiao (14%)

11/16/10: NSF SHF program awarded a supplement to Tao Xie

11/10/10: USENIX LISA 10 Best Student Paper Award to JeeHyun Hwang

09/13/10: IBM Faculty Award to Tao Xie

08/23/10: FoSER 10 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

08/23/10: FoSER 10 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

08/08/10: SPLASH 10 Edu accepted a symposium paper by Tao Xie

07/30/10: FSE 2010 accepted a demo paper by Tao Xie (21%)

07/06/10: IEEE TC accepted a journal paper by JeeHyun Hwang

07/02/10: JSS accepted a journal paper by Nuo Li

06/28/10: LISA 2010 accepted a conference paper by JeeHyun Hwang (43%)

06/24/10: ICSM 2010 accepted a conference paper by Rahul Pandita (26%)

06/24/10: ICSM 2010 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (26%)

06/10/10: NSF CRI program awarded a 3-year grant toTao Xie

06/07/10: ASE 2010 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (18%)

06/07/10: ASE 2010 accepted a conference short paper by Kunal Taneja, Nuo Li, and Madhuri Marri (34%)

06/07/10: ASE 2010 accepted a conference short paper by Kunal Taneja (34%)

06/07/10: ASE 2010 accepted a conference short paper by Tao Xie (34%)

06/07/10: ASE 2010 accepted a conference short paper by Tao Xie (34%)

06/01/10: CACC awarded a 1-year grant to Tao Xie

05/17/10: A course in the Dragon Start Program in China to be taught by Tao Xie

05/15/10: FSE 2010 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (20%)

05/10: Summer internships: Justin Gorham at Allscripts, JeeHyun Hwang at Cisco, Rahul Pandita at FDA, Yoonki Song at Google Summer of Code JPF, Kunal Taneja at Accenture Labs, Xusheng Xiao at IBM Research TJ Watson

05/14/10: Congratulations to the undergraduate graduation of Justin Gorham and Chris Woelfel

05/07/10: POLICY 2010 accepted a demo paper by JeeHyun Hwang

05/01/10: Tao Xie Appointed to ACM History Committee

04/27/10: NCSU Sigma Xi Award given to Tao Xie

04/23/10: Tao Xie will become a Tenured Associate Professor effective August 16, 2010 (one-year early tenure promotion)

04/19/10: ISSTA 2010 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (23%)

04/05/10: DBSec 2010 accepted a conference paper by JeeHyun Hwang (30%)

03/23/10: TAP 2010 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta

02/21/10: MSR 2010 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie

02/11/10: ICSE 2010 Demo accepted a paper by Yoonki Song

12/18/09: ICST 2010 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (27%)

12/16/09: ICSE 2010 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta (14%)

12/16/09: ICSE 2010 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (14%)

12/09/09: ICSE 2010 Tutorial accepted two tutorial proposals by Tao Xie

11/19/09: ASE 2009 Best Paper Award, ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for a conference paper by Tao Xie

08/31/09: NSF SHF Award (3 yrs) awarded to Tao Xie

08/04/09: IJSEKE 2010 accepted a journal paper by JeeHyun Hwang

07/30/09: ASEJ 2010 accepted a journal paper by Tao Xie

07/24/09: ASE 2009 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta (17%)

07/24/09: ASE 2009 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (17%)

07/24/09: ASE 2009 accepted a conference short paper by Nuo Li (32%)

07/24/09: ASE 2009 accepted a conference paper by Mithun Acharya (17%)

07/22/09: IEEE Computer accepted a magazine article by Tao Xie and Suresh Thummalapenta

07/14/09: Tao Xie received IBM Faculty Award (1 yr)

06/24/09: Tao Xie received NSF CAREER (5 yrs)

05/30/09: ESEC/FSE 2009 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta (15%)

05/17/09: OOPSLA 2009 accepted a tutorial by Tao Xie

04/24/09: SSIRI 2009 accepted a conference paper by JeeHyun Hwang

04/24/09: Mithun Acharya wins NCSU wolfpack raquetball club championship in Advanced division

04/24/09: Mithun Acharya wins UNC club bash inter-university raquetball tournament in Division B

04/24/09: FDA accepted summer internship application by Kunal Taneja

04/24/09: ABB Research accepted summer internship application by Madhuri Marri

04/24/09: ABB Research accepted summer internship application by Nuo Li

04/24/09: DOE Fermilab accepted summer internship application by JeeHyun Hwang

04/24/09: Army Research accepted summer internship application by Justin Gorham

04/07/09: ICWS 2009 Application and Industry Track accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie

04/01/09: ISSTA 2009 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie

03/27/09: State of the Art in Testing and Analysis Day co-located with the PC meeting for ISSTA 2009 successfully hosted by the NCSU ASE group

03/09: Mithun Acharya will join ABB Research after getting his Ph.D. this May!

03/05/09: ECOOP 2009 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie

03/05/09: CDC/CRA-W DREU accepted summer internship application by Bellanov Apilli

02/26/09: Mutation 2009 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

02/21/09: TAPIA 2009 accepted a scholarship application (to attend the conference) by Bellanov Apilli

02/18/09: DSN 2009 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie

02/16/09: SUITE 2009 accepted a workshop paper by Madhuri Marri and Suresh Thummalapenta

02/13/09: Microsoft Research accepted summer internship application by Suresh Thummalapenta

02/05/09: AST 2009 accepted a workshop paper by Madhuri Marri

01/30/09: ICSE 2009 New Ideas and Emerging Results accepted a paper by Tao Xie

01/30/09: ICSE 2009 New Ideas and Emerging Results accepted a paper by Kunal Taneja

01/20/09: ICSE 2009 Research Demo accepted a tool demonstration by Tao Xie

12/18/08: ICSE 2009 Tutorial accepted a tutorial proposal on parameterized unit testing by Tao Xie

12/18/08: ICSE 2009 Tutorial accepted a tutorial proposal on mining software engineering data by Tao Xie

12/12/08: FASE 2009 accepted a conference paper by Mithun Acharya (24%)

12/09/08: Yoonki Song successfully passed his PhD qualifer

12/08/08: AOSD 2009 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie

12/02/08: JeeHyun Hwang successfully passed his PhD qualifer

12/02/08: Mithun Acharya successfully defended his PhD dissertation

11/21/08: ICSE 2009 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta (12%)

11/21/08: ICSE 2009 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (12%)

11/21/08: Kunal Taneja successfully passed his PhD qualifer

11/08: IBM Jazz Award (gift) awarded to Tao Xie

11/17/08: Suresh Thummalapenta successfully passed his PhD qualifer

11/15/08: Tapia 2009 accepted a poster/ACM Student Research Competition paper by Bellanov Apilli

09/29/08: Suresh Thummalapenta receives ASE research gold award for the academic year 2007-2008

09/29/08: JeeHyun Hwang receives ASE research silver award for the academic year 2007-2008

09/22/08: Tao Xie serves as ICSM 2009 PC Co-Chair

09/08: ARO (3 yrs) awarded to Tao Xie

09/08: NSF/NIST Suppl (1 yr) awarded to Tao Xie

08/22/08: TSP 2008 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie

08/18/08: ACSAC 2008 accepted a conference paper by Evan Martin and JeeHyun Hwang (24%)

07/24/08: ISSRE 2008 accepted a conference paper by Prasanth Anbalagan (25%)

07/08: IBM Faculty Award (gift) awarded to Tao Xie

06/24/08: ICWS 2008 Industry accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (18%)

06/20/08: SRDS 2008 accepted a conference paper by JeeHyun Hwang (25%)

06/08/08: ASE 2008 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta (12%)

06/08/08: ASE 2008 accepted a conference paper by Kobina Inkumsah (12%)

06/08/08: ASE 2008 accepted a conference short paper by Kunal Taneja (25%)

05/24/08: ICSM 2008 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (26%)

05/24/08: TAV-WEB 2008 accepted a workshop paper by Nuo Li and JeeHyun Hwang

05/14/08: IBM accepted summer internship application from Yoonki Song

05/06/08: WODA 2008 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

05/02/08: SSEAT 2008 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

04/28/08: Group REU blog is born and the REU project web on mining SE data is up

04/24/08: ABB Research accepted summer internship application by Nuo Li

04/21/08: Google Summer of Code accepted applications from Mithun Acharya, Yoonki Song and Huinan Zhang

04/14/08: ABB Research accepted summer internship application by JeeHyun Hwang

04/01/08: IBM Research accepted summer internship application by Kunal Taneja

03/10/08: ISSTA 2008 student poster session accepted a submission by Suresh Thummalapenta

03/27/08: Kobina Inkumsah successfully defended his master thesis

03/20/08: NEC Labs accepted summer internship application by Suresh Thummalapenta

03/20/08: University Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards Nominations include Suresh Thummalapenta

02/12/08: MSR 2008 accepted a conference position paper Suresh Thummalapenta

02/01/08: SIGMETRICS 2008 accepted a conference paper by JeeHyun Hwang

01/31/08: NSFNGS 2008 accepted a workshop paper by Mithun Acharya, Suresh Thummalapenta, and Kunal Taneja

12/20/07: TOSEM accepted a journal paper by Tao Xie

12/12/07: ICSE 2008 Tutorial accepted a tutorial proposal by Tao Xie

12/11/07: ICSE 2008 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (15%)

10/21/07: Yoonki Song and Suresh Thummalapenta win the ETX 2007 Best Student Paper Award

09/07: NSF SoD (3 yrs) awarded to Tao Xie

09/21/07: Suresh Thummalapenta receives ASE research gold award for Spring/Summer 2007

09/21/07: Evan Martin and Mithun Acharya receive ASE research silver awards for Spring/Summer 2007

09/21/07: Evan Martin serves as Program Co-Chair of 2008 Symposium for Graduate Research (SGR)

09/07/07: ETX 2007 accepted a workshop paper by Yoonki Song and Suresh Thummalapenta

09/01/07: ACM SIGSOFT SEN 2007 July issue recommended our web sites in three places!!!

08/14/07: ICDM 2007 accepted a tutorial by Tao Xie (33%)

08/10/07: ASE 2007 accepted a conference paper by Suresh Thummalapenta (12%)

08/10/07: ASE 2007 accepted a conference short paper by Kunal Taneja (25%)

08/10/07: ASE 2007 accepted a conference short paper by Kobina Inkumsah (25%)

08/10/07: ASE 2007 accepted a conference short paper by Tao Xie (25%)

08/03/07: ACM SIGPLAN SRC 07 held at OOPSLA 07 accepted a submission by Suresh Thummalapenta

08/07: NSF CyberTrust (3 yrs) awarded to Tao Xie

07/07: NSF CSR (1 yr) awarded to Tao Xie

07/07: Microsoft Research (gift) awarded to Tao Xie

07/13/07: TISQA 2007 accepted a conference presentation by Tao Xie

06/28/07: Verify 2007 accepted a conference presentation by Tao Xie

06/01/07: ICSM 2007 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (21%)

06/07: ARO STIR (9 mons) awarded to Tao Xie

05/31/07: ESEC/FSE 2007 accepted a conference paper by Mithun Acharya (17%)

05/08/07: ABB Research accepted summer internship application by JeeHyun Hwang

04/27/07: ICWS 2007 Industry track accepted a conference paper by Evan Martin and Suranjana Basu

04/23/07: University Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards Nominations include Mithun Acharya and Kunal Taneja

04/18/07: IWSSE 2007 accepted a workshop paper by Evan Martin and JeeHyun Hwang

04/05/07: RCOST accepted summer internship application by Suresh Thummalapenta

03/19/07: Avaya Labs Research accepted summer internship application by Kunal Taneja

02/26/07: Microsoft Center of Software Excellence accepted summer internship application by Mithun Acharya

02/22/07: AST 2007 accepted a workshop paper by Kunal Taneja

02/21/07: SESS 2007 accepted a workshop paper by Evan Martin

02/02/07: WTAOP 2007 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

01/26/07: WWW 2007 accepted a conference paper by Evan Martin (14%)

01/16/07: ICSE 2007 Doctorial Symposium accepted a submission by Evan Martin (23%)

12/18/06: ICSE 2007 Tutorial accepted a tutorial proposal by Tao Xie

12/15/06: ICSE 2007 accepted a conference paper by Prasanth Anbalagan (15%)

12/12/06: ICSE 2007 Research Demo accepted a demo paper by Evan Martin and Suranjana Basu (50%)

11/22/06: NCSU Undergrad Research Awards Program accepted an application by John Cosgrove Stille

10/23/06: All Mithun Acharya, Prasanth Anbalagan, and Evan Martin entered semifinal of ACM SIGPLAN SRC 06 held at OOPSLA 06 (6 out of 11 participants entered semifinal)

10/02/06: FSE 2006 Inspiration accepted an application by Prasanth Anbalagan

10/01/06: SOAWS 2006 accepted a workshop paper by Evan Martin and Suranjana Basu

09/20/06: FSE 2006 Doctorial Symposium accepted a submission by Mithun Acharya

09/18/06: FSE 2006 Poster accepted a poster paper by Prasanth Anbalagan

09/18/06: MUTATION 2006 accepted a workshop paper by Prasanth Anbalagan

09/15/06: ICICS 2006 accepted a conference paper by Evan Martin (18%)

09/05/06: ISSRE 2006 Fast Abstract accepted a fast abstract by Evan Martin

08/06: ABB Research (gift) awarded to Tao Xie

07/25/06: ACM SIGPLAN SRC 06 held at OOPSLA 06 accepted submissions by Mithun Acharya, Prasanth Anbalagan, and Evan Martin

07/01/06: ISSRE 2006 accepted a conference paper by Mithun Acharya (34%)

07/01/06: ISSRE 2006 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (34%)

06/01/06: ICSM 2006 Dissertation Forum accepted a submission by Tao Xie

05/20/06: ASE 2006 accepted a conference short paper by Mithun Acharya (28%)

05/20/06: ASE 2006 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (18%)

04/28/06: DSN 2006 Student Forum accepted a submission by Mithun Acharya

04/27/06: WTAOP 2006 accepted a workshop paper by Prasanth Anbalagan

04/27/06: WTAOP 2006 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

04/19/06: KDD 2006 accepted a tutorial by Tao Xie

04/06: CACC (1 yr) awarded to Tao Xie

04/06: CACC (1 yr) awarded to Tao Xie

03/06/06: IBM Research accepted summer internship application by Mithun Acharya

03/02/06: POLICY 2006 accepted a workshop paper by Evan Martin

03/01/06: MSR 2006 accepted a workshop paper by Tao Xie

03/01/06: AST 2006 accepted a workshop paper by Hai Yuan

02/06: ABB Research (gift) awarded to Tao Xie

02/06: NCSU FRPD (1 yr) awarded to Tao Xie

02/23/06: NCSU Graduate Student Research Symposium 2006 accepted a submission by Mithun Acharya

02/18/06: ECOOP 2006 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (13%)

01/10/06: ICSE 2006 Research Demo accepted a demo paper by Evan Martin and Hai Yuan (45%)

12/22/05: ICSE 2006 Emerging Results Track accepted a short paper by Evan Martin (34%)

11/29/05: AOSD 2006 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (21%)

10/17/05: RETR 2005 accepted a workshop paper by Hai Yuan

08/02/05: ISSRE 2005 accepted a conference paper by Tao Xie (33%)