Role Descriptions

  • Group meeting coordinator:
    • Schedule group meeting by assigning each group member to a specific meeting date.
    • Make sure topic and resources for each meeting is determined and shared at least two weeks before the meeting date.
    • Make sure every presenter gets approval of the advisor for topic before sharing it to the group.
  • Industry/visitor coordinator:
  • Conference and journal review coordinator:
    • Help assign papers to each student if needed
    • For each paper, make sure that the small discussion meeting is held two days before the review due day.
    • For each paper, make sure that the review is uploaded by the responsible students before the review due day.
  • Social activity coordinator:
    • Wei Yang
  • Reading-group coordinator:
    • Create and maintain the reading group log
    • Arrange at least one reading group weekly
  • News/publicity coordinator:
    • maintain and update the group news blog and Facebook ASE Group with ASE members' news including:
      • awards
      • accepted papers and fund
      • internship/job offers
      • graduation
      • marriage
      • ...
    • For a group news item, the news coordinator will go through the following steps (1) gather info from relevant people (e.g., students or the advisor), (2) write a blog post on the group news blog, (3) make a Facebook post with the URL to the blog post, (4) send an email to the group mailing list to inform the group member of the URL of the blog post (then the group members should use their personal social media account to post/repost the URL of the blog post).
      • When writing a blog post on the group news blog, make sure to
        • (1) include in the post title the full name (not just the first name) of a person mentioned in the post;
        • (2) include the homepage URL underlying the full name of a person mentioned in the post when this person is mentioned for the first time in the blog post;
        • (3) include the URL to the more detailed info about the content in the blog post (if any) and include URLs for some relevant underlying phrases that these other URLs have more detailed info about the phrases;
        • (4) include the picture of a person mentioned in the end/middle of the post (you can initially include the picture of this person from his/her homepage if no new picture is taken specifically for this post; in this case, you should click "insert image", and then click "from this blog" to see whether a previously uploaded picture of this person exists; if so, insert the image as this previously uploaded picture; otherwise, visit the homepage of this person and download this person's picture, and then upload this picture with the first menu item "Upload" after you click "insert image", and select this picture as the image that you want to insert).
      • When posting a post (with the link to the blog post) in Facebook ASE Group, make sure to
        • (1) tag the person(s) mentioned in the blog post and if relevant, places when posting the blog post on Facebook. Doing so helps notify the persons(s) mentioned in the blog post that something was posted about them and allow their friends/family/etc. to know about it through their wall.
    • Taking group photos/videos
    • Anything that can show the awsomeness of the group

Roles not being used any more

  • Submission coordinator:
    1. Check with each submission's lead author on the two-week/one-week timeline before the submission deadline to determine eligibility of the submission.
    2. One week after the submission deadline, the submission coordinator should check with each submission's lead author on getting their style-check rules added to the shared-personal style check rules set.
    3. Double check the submission log
    4. Mark submissions as planned, pending, accepted
    5. For accepted, make sure the news page is update
    6. Dates for submission are on the submissions deadline page

Roles from Data Mining Group