Pex Collaboration Meetings

April 8

    • Xusheng Xiao: Loop problems faced by DSE (PPT)
    • Linghao Zhang: Testing Cloud Applications (PPT)
    • Justin Gorham: Recovering Configuration Information (PPT)(May not make it to meeting due to an overlapping meeting on campus)
    • Kiran: Structural Coverage of GUI application using Symbolic Execution (PPT)


For each of our students who has a project related to Pex and will attend our Pex collaboration meeting, please prepare your meeting slides and upload to our server (or another location as you wish): (i.e., ase/temp/pex on 'Afs\all\\engrwww\sites\

Then make an entry bullet point at the meeting day's entry above, linking to your slides available online.

Then our Pex team collaborators could download the slides and view them when you present your slides during the meeting.