Post date: Apr 07, 2019 3:37:1 PM
I thought it would be fitting to use vintage lenses to photograph these vintage objects so I opted for two vintage lenses to capture these figurines from Boston’s SoWa Vintage Market: Helios 44-2 58 mm f2.0 and Tamron SP AF 90 mm f2.8 lenses. I had to adapt them — respectively — from M42 and Canon FD mounts to Fujifilm’s X-mount using simple adapter rings. Apertures were wide open in order to detach the subjects from — in some cases rather busy — backgrounds and to observe the bokeh effects.
Usually, I try to stay with JPEG files generated by the camera using Classic Chrome film simulation, but this time — with some exceptions — I used the RAF files to see the results of the Lightroom software’s newly introduced “Enhanced Details” feature’s as applied to Fujifilm’s X-trans sensors. The improvements are more at pixel levels, intended for large scale printing, but at least in one case, I thought I could observe a perceptual difference.
You can see these pictures in the following albums - FLICKR album also contains my comments on individual pictures:
FLICKR album: https://www.flickr.com/gp/aonart/UWuzY9
GOOGLE photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/YbARW2nUfpVMuBPo9
You can find out more about SoWa vintage market by visiting their WEB site: https://sowavintagemkt.com/
You can read a review of the Helios 44-2 lens on this WEB site: https://alikgriffin.com/helios-44-2-review-king-character/
You can read a review of the Tamron lens on this WEB site: https://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Tamron-90mm-f-2.8-Di-Macro-Lens-Review.aspx