Post date: Dec 23, 2018 12:21:48 AM
The pictures I shared this week were taken in front of the Interactive Visual Effect installation by Karl Sims. You can learn more about this interactive augmented-reality work on his WEB site: http://www.karlsims.com/flow.html. There you would see pictures more interesting than mine.
As a photography experience, this exercise was not very satisfying: I felt more like a registrar rather than a maker.
To take these pictures, I used the FUJIFILM cameras X-T10 and X-T2. The lens choices were LENSBABY SOL 45 and VELVET 56 as well as the XF zoom lens of 18-55mm. In many cases, I opted for VELVIA film simulation to pursue a saturated and somewhat contrasty rendition,
The pictures I shared this week can be seen here
The rest of the pictures from the same location are included in another FLICKR album.