
Post date: Feb 17, 2019 4:42:18 PM


The pictures I shared this week were taken within a couple blocks of New York City while I walked between the hotel and the hospital where my son had open heart surgery. They depict slices of Big Apple I happened to find visually interesting — one way or another: sometimes light caught my attention, sometimes the colors on the ground, or on the façade of a building or some reflections on the glass…

FUJIFILM’s CLASSIC CHROME is the film simulation I use the most, in this set I stayed with it for three of the pictures, for three others I resorted to VELVIA to emphasize the appeal of saturated colors. For cropping, as usual, I alternated between 16:9 and 1:1 aspects ratios.

The pictures I shared this week can be seen in these albums:

FLICKR ALBUM: https://www.flickr.com/gp/aonart/4a4TBA

GOOGLE PHOTOS: https://photos.app.goo.gl/uawGteTy1bvqgK378