Jesus in the American Prison : (Part-III)

Jesus in the American Prison : (Part-III)


(It is a fiction. However, the life and ministry of Rev. John Dorsey and of late Rev. Graham Staines, the Australian missionary are real. However, the story of late Rev.Dorsey as depicted in this fiction is not real. The real photo of late Rev.Dorsey and that of late Rev Graham Staines are given below and other photos which are symbolical are not of late Rev.Dorsey as the same were taken from Google images).

Late Rev Dorsey

Late Rev Graham Staines with his family

Testimonies of the disciples before the police team

Now the interrogation team of the police starts the formal interrogation of the disciples. In the meantime, the police team has collected the names, passport details, of all these disciples and Jesus and sent the same to the police authorities in Delhi through the American Embassy in Delhi for verification of the antecedents of all those detained in the American prison. All the disciples gave their testimonies to the police team who recorded their statements. First, Mohammed gave his testimony, in reply to the questions put to him. “Sirs, I was born in Srinagar, the State of Jammu & Kashmir, India in the year 1979. My father was working as a tourist guide in Srinagar. Due to the terrorists’ activities in Jammu & Kashmir, the tourists from foreign countries stopped visiting this beautiful place. My father has lost his job. Due to financial constraints, my father could not afford my further education. I studied up to 10th Standard. I could not get any employment there. Then some terrorists’ organization, namely, “Jihad for Islam” brainwashed me about the persecution of Kashmiri Muslims in the hands of Hindus and enrolled me for the liberation of Kashmir from India. I was trained in handling of arms by this group. During the month of December, 1999, I was sent on an assignment to Delhi to identify and target some potential American diplomats in Delhi. In Delhi, I took a house on rent in Patel Nagar and started conducting surveillance over the residential areas of American diplomats in Delhi with a view to kidnapping and taking one of them to Srinagar.

While staying in Patel Nagar, I saw an American gentleman going on his bi-cycle daily. I thought that he must be some diplomat. I followed him one day. He went to a hutment and entered the house of one Muslim, namely, Arif Khan. I found out that Arif Khan was a daily wager working in a factory in Noida and that he had a son, namely, Ali Khan, who was not good at studies. The American gentleman was one Rev.John Dorsey, a missionary who had established an elite school in Patel Nagar, Delhi. I was told that Rev.Dorsey used to go to the house of this boy just to teach him. I was very astonished to hear this. Then, after some months, Rev.Dorsey got this boy admitted to his English-medium High school and waived off the school fees. I was very curious to know about this great person. One day, I visited the house of Arif Khan when Rev. Dorsey was there. Rev. Dorsey talked to me with love and affection and wanted to know what I was doing. I told him, “Sir, I am without a job here” Then he asked me to come to his school the next day. “What did you study?” he asked me. “I have passed 10th standard in a school in Srinagar. I have come to Delhi in search of a job” I replied. I did not tell him the truth. Then he asked me whether I had my certificate for passing the 10 standard. I told him, “Yes”. Then he asked me to come to his school next day.

Then I took my certificate and went to his school immediately. After seeing my certificate, he wanted to know whether I can continue my education by joining 11th standard. I was taken aback. Then I told him humbly, “Sir, I cannot afford to study. My father in Srinagar is jobless”. Then he told me, “Do not worry. You need not pay any school fees. I can put you in a hostel being run by a missionary organization. You need not pay any money for the boarding and lodging”. My heart was broken on hearing this.

I immediately contacted my father on phone and told him about this. My father did not know the purpose of my coming to Delhi. He was under the impression that I came to Delhi in search of employment. I did not tell him about the secret mission of my stay in Delhi. At that time, the Indian army announced an amnesty scheme that if those who had taken to terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir surrendered their arms and ammunition to the Indian army, no criminal action would be initiated against him and that they would be pardoned and protected from the hands of the militant organizations that had hired them. I immediately went to Srinagar and surrendered to the Indian army. Then I met my father and narrated my meeting with Rev.Dorsey.

On my return to Delhi from Srinagar, the first thing I did was that I met Rev. Dorsey and confessed all the evil designs of the terrorists’ outfit and my secret assignment. On hearing my confession, he immediately said, “My son, Jesus has forgiven you. I love you”. On that night, I could not sleep. I wondered who this Jesus was who could forgive me. In the Koran, I had read about Him as a prophet. How could Rev. Dorsey tell this word to me? What did Jesus mean to Rev. Dorsey? Why should Rev. Dorsey lead a simple life by riding on a bicycle, though he had the money to travel in a limousine? Then I decided in my heart, “If this Jesus is true and can forgive me, why cannot I accept Him in my life”. The next day, I went to the office of Rev.Dorsey and told him about my decision and wanted to know more about this Jesus. Then he simply told me, “He is your Lord and Savior. He is the Son of God sent by God (Allah) into the world to redeem us from the sin. He died for your sins and forgave all your sins. He lives today because He rose from the dead after He was crucified for your sins” This simple message pierced my heart and I went to my small house. I prayed in the same manner as a devout Muslim used to. I just prostrated on the ground and prayed to God, “If Jesus is Your Son, then I accept Him as my savior”. Then a great peace descended on my heart and I was filled with joy. I started confessing all my sins, one by one, as it came to my mind, to Jesus Christ. I felt His presence in my room”.

Next day, in the early morning, I rushed to the house of Rev. Dorsey. At that time, he was praying. His wife, Mrs. Dorsey was there. He invited me into the house and asked me to sit in their drawing room. The house was very simple. When Rev. Dorsey made his appearance, I just stood up. He asked me to sit down. When I told him of my decision to accept Jesus Christ, he became jubilant. He immediately called his wife and informed her of this good news. Then I informed the leader of the “Jihad for Islam” in Srinagar of my entire testimony. Then he told me that he had already known about my surrender to the Indian army. Then he warned me with dire consequences. Fear gripped me and I immediately rushed to the house of Rev. Dorsey and told him about this. He told me, “Do not fear. I will give you a copy of Bible. Read Psalm 91”. Then he gave me a Bible and showed me the Psalm 91. He asked me to believe in the promises of God in this Psalm for my protection.

After some months, I came to know through a newspaper report that the ring leader who enrolled me in the terrorists’ outfit was killed in an army ambush.

After completing my 12th standard with flying colors, Rev. Dorsey helped me in joining a college in Delhi for my graduation during 2001 and I continued in the same hostel with free boarding and lodging. When I was studying in the college, Rev. Dorsey fell ill and went home with the Lord on 17-9-2002. After completing my graduation during 2005, I got a job in Government service after clearing a competitive examination.

During the memorial service held in memory of Dorsey, I gave my testimony. Every year, on the death anniversary of Rev. Dorsey, I used to visit his tomb in Paharganj, Delhi. In Delhi, there was a house church in Uttam Nagar, which was near my hostel. I used to go there for worship on every Sunday. At times, I used to attend the church in Patel Nagar which was pastured by Rev. Dorsey. Rev. Dorsey had never insisted me on attending his church services. On 17th September, 2006, I took with me two of my Christian friends, i.e. Ramakrishna and Surendra Jain, to the tomb of Rev. Dorsey. There we saw a Man with the face of an angel weeping. I could recognize Him as the Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was introduced to me by Rev. Dorsey. Jesus just stood beside the grave of Rev. Dosey and wept there. When He was weeping there, we and other saints who had come to the tomb of Rev Dorsey (that day being the death anniversary of Dorsey) saw Him and asked, "Oh Master, why do you weep? We are here to do the work left by our elder brother and Pastor Dorsey. There must be some servants of God like Dorsey in America. Why cannot you take us to America, the great nation which had sent many of its missionaries to our land in the past? We are very poor. We cannot afford to go to that nation. Of course, all of us have our passports” Then Jesus promised to take all of us to America for fellowship with the saints in a particular church in America according to our wish. He has now brought all of us through His Spirit”.

The police officers who interrogated Mohammed did not accept his statement as credible. They still ask him, “Do you have any connection with this terrorists’ group? We have information that this particular terrorists’ group, “Jihad for Islam”, has got links with Al Qaeda who are responsible for the 9/11 attack on America”. Mohammed replies, “As a disciple of the Jesus of Nazareth, I do not and cannot lie to you. I do not have any links with this organization. I have become a new creation after accepting Jesus Christ….”

The other ten disciples also gave their testimonies narrating their salvation experiences.

All these eleven disciples of the Lord from India after experiencing salvation through Jesus Christ were attending different churches in Delhi. The churches are Pentecostals, Evangelicals and Anglicans. But all of them used to gather together for fellowship in the house of Rev. Dorsey every Monday. Apart from Mohammed, the other disciples who accepted the Lord Jesus through the ministry of Rev. Dorsey are Ramakrishna, Sunder Singh and John Jacob. Salim Khan was a tailor by profession in Janpath. Sayyed Yusuf was a carpenter by profession in Mangolpuri. Vinod Krishna was a salesman in a shop at Karol Bagh. Ramakrishna was a teacher in a government school. Sunder Singh was an automobile mechanic in Inderpuri. Bhakt Singh was a clerk in a company in Connaught Place. Surendra Jain was an electrician working for some apartments in Rohini. Xavier was an Assistant in the Central Secretariat, Delhi. Fernandez was working as an x-ray technician in St.Stephen's Hospital, Delhi and John Jacob was working as a Mathematics teacher in St. Thomas School, New Delhi. On every Sunday, after their church services, they used to take the young people in their churches for evangelical our-reach. Mohammed and Sunder Singh have been led by the Lord to go to Tibet and Nepal respectively as apostolic missionaries.

Testimony of Jesus before the police team

(Photo : Gateway to the cemetery where late Rev Dorsey is buried)

Finally, the police team interrogated the Jesus of Nazareth. In the very presence of Jesus, three police officers were convicted of their sins and started weeping for their sins. Jesus tells them, “My children, you have to do your duty here. Do not weep”. Then they summoned courage and started questioning Jesus. “Lord, how long you have been in India? How did you know these people who You have brought here.?” “I have no permanent home in any nation. Ten years ago, a man from the Hindu background accepted Me as his Savior. He invited Me to his home after leaving the gods and goddesses he was worshiping earlier. His name is Virender Kumar. He used to share his food with Me by opening his house to some poor saints living in his locality. If a child of Mine feeds a poor saint, this means that the former feeds Me. I love to be with him always in his house because of the love and affection shown by his wife and children to Me. He lived in a small hut but he loved Me (meaning the Body of Christ, the Church). While staying with Him, I treated myself as an Indian citizen and applied for an Indian passport by giving his address. I then obtained an Indian passport.

After some years, he got in contact with some churches in America. The saints in the American churches visited the house of Virender Kumar. On seeing his poor living conditions, they sent him a very big donation. Then Virender Kumar ceased to believMe for his daily life but began to look to the churches in America for financial help. The churches in America started sending him dollars every month. Virender Kumar began to backslide in his spiritual life. He acquired a very big house and a nice car after convincing the people of God in America that he needed these facilities for the sake of the gospel. Then his life-style was completely changed. The churches in America invited him to speak in their churches. Then Virender Kumar forgot his humble beginning and looked for opportunities to go to America and other western nations for ministry. He then started falsifying his records to receive more money from the American churches. He even sent photographs exaggerating the gospel work done by him in India. Those photographs were taken from some big gospel crusades. In these photographs, he falsely showed the baptism of multitudes. He then had no time to take care of the poor saints with whom he used to share his food. He stopped praying to Me for his daily needs. Then I left his house and went to another nation which was facing persecution……….Then I remembered the sacrifices made by Dorsey in Delhi. Since he is no more, I went to India to see his tomb. Though Dorsey is in the heaven rejoicing in My presence, yet I had to go to his tomb just to remember his great work in that nation….I know these people personally because they know Me personally. I met them, one by one, when they opened their hearts to the gospel that was preached to them”.

The police question him, “Lord, You are the Lord of the heaven and the earth. Why should you go to that tomb just to weep there?” (Though this incident is a fiction, yet a real similar incident took place in Indian mission field where unbelievers saw Jesus weeping near the tomb of a beloved missionary)'.

The Lord replies, “Since I was manifested in flesh and blood, I still have the same emotions for My people. In the heaven, I cannot weep for My beloved son. That is why I went to India on the day of his death anniversary just to weep for him. People may forget the work done by him very quickly. But I do not forget it. On that day, I found some of My disciples in the graveyard that came there to remember his work. Even now I weep for My people remembering their sacrifices made in the earth. Their sacrifices are always remembered at My altar in the earth. The altar for the sacrifices is only in the earth and not in the heaven. “An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I record My name, I will come to you, and I will bless you” (Exo.20: 24). That is why I went to My altar to remember His work and to bless his spiritual children. I do bless his spiritual children in India. Though he is no longer in the tomb, his tomb is still there as My altar. Even if a servant of Mine does not have a tomb for Me to remember, My altar is there in the very places where he had sacrificed for Me. There are many altars in India. There is an altar at Mayurbhanj, Baripada, Orissa State, India where My son, Graham Staines and his two young sons were burnt to death on 22nd January 1999 for the sake of My gospel. “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal” (John 12:21-26). The ground in which the corn of wheat falls and dies is very precious to Me. I cannot see this ground in the Heaven. Though the evidence of their sacrifices is erased with the passage of time, I can still see the evidence through My eyes…..”

“Lord, You could have healed Rev. Dorsey when he was on the deathbed. You could have healed his wife in Blacksburg…….”

“My servant had to die one day just to be with Me in the heaven………His wife had to suffer in her body to fulfill what was lacking in My suffering on the Cross”

“Lord, why did you beat the people of God in the church of Good Samaritans? Without knowing them, how could you beat them for their offences……?”

“I knew every one of them who attended that church. When I was standing near the gate of the church seated on a donkey along with My disciples, they did look at Me and My disciples. But they could not recognize Me because I was on a donkey. Had I come to that church accompanied by their Chief Pastor or the deacons in their vehicle, then they would have recognized Me. These people want to recognize Me only through their pastor or the deacons. They have no eyes to see and recognize Me. All these years, they know a Jesus who was presented by their pastor or other servants of God. They do not read My word to know Me. When I was weeping near the tomb of Dorsey, My disciples could recognize Me. But these people of Mine could not recognize Me just because I came to their church on the back of a donkey accompanied by My disciples from India. They expected me that I would come to their church in the manner expected by them. They do not know My ways. These people sang hymns in their church shouting at the top of their voices, “Lord, I know thee….I love thee…….” But their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me through their lips but do not love My body. That is why I called them hypocrites.…”

“Lord, You could have forgiven them as they were Your people….”

“If they are My children, then I have every right to chasten them. Otherwise, they are not My children……..”

“There was a popular evangelist invited by the chief pastor. He was there to preach the sermon to them. He simply displayed the CDs, books, etc. which contained only God’s messages so that the people could spiritually benefit from these publications. He was doing only Your work there. Why did you beat him and others in the church after overturning the tables?”

“I know that evangelist and his ministry. He publishes only his messages through CDs, books, television programs, but does not want to listen to the apostolic and prophetic ministers in My body. I have blessed him abundantly. With the resources I have given him, he could have spent a part of the same for promoting the ministries of other poor saints in his nation. Further, I am not happy with the chief pastor who invites only such servants of God who are very popular. If a servant of God promotes his own ministry out of My resource without caring for his fellow servants in My vineyard, it is tantamount to commercialization in My House. I do not forgive such people in My House but drive them away from My House…..”

“Lord, one of your disciples, Mohammed, is suspected to have some links with the terrorists’ outfit that attacked our nation during 9/11. Our Anti-terrorists’ laws are very stringent. Unless he is completely exonerated, we cannot let him go off…….”

“Mohammed is My disciple and son. His heart is full of love and is on fire for Me and My Kingdom. He is not of this world. So long as you keep him in your custody, I will also remain with him. I will never forsake him…..”

“Lord, we now venture to ask you a few questions…..Can you tell us the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden?”

“Many people from your nation are praying to Me to reveal his hideouts. I am not of this world. I have no kingdom in this world. God the Father has not sent me into this world just to help the governments of this world in nabbing and killing their enemies or the criminals. I came into the world so that the people may have life eternal. I came not into the world to destroy the lives of the criminals but to save them from sin. Your government has got the necessary resources to do this job. I am the Son of Man who loves all the people of this world including this man…..”

“Lord, did you meet this man…?

“Yes, I do meet all the criminals through the gospel. I did meet this man through the gospel. But he has not accepted Me but has accepted the Jesus of the Quran. He believes in the barrel of his gun to kill his enemies. I have nothing to do with him…..”

The American President was taken to task by the Senators for going to the prison cells to see the One Who called Himself the Jesus of Nazareth and His followers. He was criticized for supporting and associating himself with the Christians by shedding the secular image of his post.
