
Poisoning of the minds of soldiers by a false gospel: A parable

The Kingdom of Light is being ruled by King Holy One and is being built by an army of faithful soldiers under the Captains Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. There are lieutenants to be engaged by these five captains. They are Lt. Prayer, Lt. Discernment, Lt. Power, Lt. Sufferings and Lt.Truth. All the soldiers are given dietary tablets for boosting their strength. They are love, humility, righteousness and holiness. The King sets Captain Apostle on the first row, Captain Prophet on the second row, Captain Evangelist on the third row, Captain Pastor and Captain Teacher on the last row. But this order is not maintained with Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor occupying the first row, Captain Prophet being removed from his original place and Captain Teacher being relegated to the background not being seen. Captain Apostle is completely missing from his original position as he is given another position on the back. All this has happened because the children of the Kingdom of Light who were not trained as soldiers to fight the Kingdom of Darkness had followed the footsteps of Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor and pushed them to the front row. These children of God were not aware of the functions of Captain Apostle and Captain Prophet due to ignorance. Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor did not feel it necessary to enlighten them on the role and functions of Captain Apostle and Captain Prophet. At times, Captain Teacher was introduced to them but was not given due importance by the children of the Kingdom of Light.

Kingdom of Dark is being ruled by King Evil One and is being built by an army of faithful soldiers under the Captains False Prophet and Babylon. There are lieutenants to be engaged by these two captains. They are Lt. Deceit, Lt. Sloth, Lt. Unrighteousness, Lt.Untruth and Lt. Knowledge. The dietary tables for all the soldiers are hatred, arrogance, unrighteousness. The soldiers are given instructions to use these tablets for annihilating the soldiers of the Kingdom of Light in captivity.

Both the kingdoms are at war with each other. The gates of Dark Kingdom never prevail against the gates of Light Kingdom. As the soldiers of the Light Kingdom fight the Dark Kingdom through the two-edged Sword of Gospel, King Evil One and his army are being stripped of their power to reign and are thus being handicapped to hold on to their Dark Kingdom. They are mostly on the defensive war but fly their arrows against the Light Kingdom through breaches.

As the two-edged Sword of Gospel is winning over the territory of Dark Kingdom, King Evil One summons his captains of the army and reviews their work, giving appropriate instructions to infiltrate into the Light Kingdom. The captains of the Dark Kingdom are able to perceive and identify some breaches on the wall of the Light Kingdom. These breaches are caused by the captains of the Dark Kingdom with the help of Lt. Deceit and Lt.Knowledge. Lt. Deceit changed himself into an angel of light and Lt. Knowledge who had knowledge of the Bible knew how to quote the Bible to gain entry into the Kingdom of Light by breaching the wall of the Kingdom of Light which was not maintained properly under the command of five Captains of the Kingdom of Light. They are known as Captain False Prophet and Captain Babylon. Both these captains are directing their soldiers to fly a fiery dart namely Prosperity Gospel and hit the faithful soldiers of the Light Kingdom, especially the battalions under Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor, through these breaches. However, Captain Apostle and his faithful battalion are relentlessly fighting against the Dark Kingdom by venturing into the interior territory of King Evil One. As

such, the arrow thrown by the Evil One has not fallen on the battalion of Captain Apostle because this battalion is already inside the Dark Kingdom. However, the arrow being thrown by King Evil One wounds some soldiers under Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor because these soldiers are fighting the army of the Evil One from the territory of the Light Kingdom. The breaches caused on the wall of the Light Kingdom are owing to the neglect of the services of Captain Prophet to whom Lt. Discernment reports and also to the neglect of the services of Captain Apostle to whom Lt. Prayer and Lt.Sufferings report. Through these breaches, the fiery dark of the Prosperity Gospel was thrown into the Light Kingdom by the Evil King through His Captains False Prophet and Babylon.

King Holy One has given first position to Captain Apostle and his battalion in the entire war. But Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor do not follow the path laid by Captain Apostle with the result that there is no coordination between the battalions of Evangelist and Pastor and the battalion of Apostle. Captain Prophet and his battalion are not given due positions on the front by Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor as instructed by King Holy One. Captain Evangelist and his battalion occupy all the front positions in the battlefield relegating to the background the battalions under Captain Prophet and Captain Teacher. There is no coordination between the battalions under Captains Evangelist and Pastor and the battalions of Captains Prophet and Teacher. These breaches could not be closed by the faithful soldiers of the Light Kingdom because Lt. Lethargy of the Dark Kingdom is waging a war through his battalion against the battalions of Captains Evangelist and Captain Pastor. These breaches were widened due to lack of coordination between the battalions of all these five Captains.

The faithful soldiers of the Light Kingdom are terribly maimed by the Prosperity Gospel with the result that there is tardy progress in the construction of the Light Kingdom. The soldiers under the Captain Evangelist are engaged in building the Light Kingdom without availing the services of the Captain Apostle and Captain Prophet with the result that they are being attacked and maimed by the soldiers of the Kingdom of Darkness.

King Holy One while reviewing the work of His captains calls Captain Prophet and directs him to use the services of Lt. Discernment for equipping the soldiers for discerning the fiery dart, Prosperity Gospel, from the Dark Kingdom. King Holy One also directed Captain Prophet to always take with him Lt. Prayer and his praying battalion for being positioned in the rear of the army and to avail the services of the battalion of Captain Apostle whenever needed.

Kingdom Hades and want to heal the soldiers of the Light Kingdom who were maimed by the fiery dart “Prosperity Gospel”. You now find Lt. Prayer sleeping and Lt. Discernment missing at the gate. You should wait, watch and enter when both of them are found missing.

Captain False Prophet finds the opportune time of his entry and deceives the watchmen with his Lt.Deceit. He now enters the Light Kingdom and identifies the soldiers being equipped by Captain Prophet. The soldiers under the command of Captain Prophet are fed by Captain False Prophet with the dietary tablets of arrogance, unrighteousness and hatred with the result that the soldiers start nurturing a spirit of hatred and arrogance against the maimed soldiers under the commands of Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor and the thousands of the children of the Light Kingdom whose minds have been corrupted by the fiery dark of the Prosperity Gospel.

In the meantime, many soldiers under Captains Evangelist and Pastor neglected the services of Lt. Discernment and do not want to be guided by the latter as they are in a great hurry to go to the battlefield to fight the False Prophet and Babylon.

Captain Prophet with the help of Lt. Discernment identifies those soldiers maimed by the fiery dart of the Prosperity gospel and teaches them how to discern the fiery dart and to overcome the same. The Prosperity Gospel has poisoned the minds of the soldiers under Captain Evangelist and Captain Pastor and also the thousands of the children of God in the Light Kingdom. They are now trained to use the two edged Sword of the Spirit to fight Captain False Prophet and Captain Babylon.

Upon receiving the news about the equipping work of the maimed soldiers in the Light Kingdom, King Evil One summons Captain False Prophet and entrusts the work of entering the Light Kingdom. The following is the gist of conversation between King Evil One and Captain False Prophet and Captain Babylon.

King Evil One: What is your strategy of entering the Light Kingdom?

Captain False Prophet: Lt. Prayer is also sleeping in the Light Kingdom. The watchmen of the gate of the Light Kingdom can be easily deceived by me and I can enter the Light Kingdom because I will be in disguise as an angel of light. The walls have already been breached for the entry of our arrows of Prosperity Gospel. Now the soldiers of the Light Kingdom are on the job of closing the breaches but as we keep throwing our arrows, they are not able to close the breaches. As such, the security at the gate is very weak. I will take with me Lt. Deceit with the Bible in his hand and we can easily enter the Light Kingdom through its gate. Lt. Deceit would carry his one sided sword which resembles the Sword of the Spirit in the hands of the soldiers of the Light Kingdom. Lt. Sloth would also enter the Light Kingdom and would befriend the soldiers of the Light Kingdom. Lt. Sloth would make them lazy and would persuade them to postpone their war. Lt. Untruth would make them believe in a false gospel and would remind them about their past failures and weaknesses. Lt. Knowledge would influence the soldiers of the Light Kingdom using the doctrines of the Bible by quoting the same from one angle. The one edged sword in their hands would deceive and spiritually fell them. Many soldiers have already been wounded by the arrows of the Prosperity Gospel.

Captain Babylon: I will avail the services of Lt. Knowledge for influencing the minds of the soldiers on the religious practices of the Old Testament and of other worldly religions. I will give them superfluous Biblical knowledge mixed with human traditions and present them as the truth. I will puff them up through the fruit of the tree of knowledge. I will make them promote their own kingdoms in the Kingdom of Christ by erecting towering buildings which would bear their names. I will make them very popular in the Kingdom of Christ as the Kingdom of Christ would be bristled with multiple kingdoms of these soldiers. Lt. Knowledge will fight valiantly with the Lt. Truth. I will also engage Lt. Unrighteousness to make the children of the kingdom of Christ more unrighteous than the children of the kingdom of the world. I can easily enter the Light Kingdom as the majority of the soldiers and the children of the Kingdom of Christ have already been attacked by the Prosperity Gospel.

All our soldiers would carry in their bags their one edged sword and two dietary tables called Arrogance and Untruth. In that bag, you should also carry a one-edged sword. If you present yourself at the gate of the Light Kingdom with your bag “Bible”, the watchmen will not check your credentials. Just tell them, “I am a healer from the

Lt Deceit now slowly but steadily approaches the camp where the maimed soldiers are being treated and attacks them in their vulnerable area of knowledge arena through his one sided sword “Fruit of the tree of knowledge”. He befriends some of them and exhorts them to become “good” soldiers of the Light Kingdom by consuming the tablets of Arrogance, Hatred and Unrighteousness. The knowledge faculty is the outer court of every young soldier i.e. body and mind. The soul of the young soldier which was saved by King Holy One is the middle court. The inner court which is the seat of King Holy One is the Most Holy Place.

Let us now understand that man is a triune being, created in the image of God (Gen.1:26).

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow (body), and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

We can compare the human body to the Temple in Jerusalem which has three parts i.e. the outer court, the middle court (Holy Place) and the inner court (Most Holy Place).

When a sinner is saved from death, his soul and not his body is saved. (James 5:20). The mind with its emotions forms part of the outer court. A sinner hears the gospel in his outer court and his soul is saved in the Holy Place. The Holy Spirit takes an abode in his spirit in the inner court. The first Adam was made a living soul and the last Adam was made a quickening Spirit (I Cor.15:45). The soul dead in sin is revived in the spirit realm because the Holy Spirit quickens and dwells in the spirit realm of the saved sinner. The great deception is that which is of the soul realm looks so much like the realm of spirit. As and when the soul is quickened by the Holy Spirit, the soul of the sinner is saved and the Holy Spirit takes His abode in the spirit of the redeemed sinner. He becomes a spiritual man when his soul is controlled and directed by the Holy Ghost seated in the Most Holy Place.

The Holy Place is the place of spiritual activity and not the Most Holy Place. The Holy Ghost reveals Himself to the saved soul from His abode in the Most Holy Place i.e. spirit realm and not from the outer court. But, the Holy Ghost reveals Himself to an unsaved sinner from the outer realm or the outer court where the sinner hears the gospel. The soul with its faculty of mind hears the gospel and gets saved.

Temptation of a saved believer takes place in the outer court where his mind is open to the knowledge reservoir. In the Holy Place, his soul is secured by the Blood of Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. But in this very place, he is susceptible to the deception that enters through the outer court i.e. knowledge realm. He is tempted in the outer court but succumbs to the temptation in the Holy Place where there are spiritual activities. Our soul in the Holy Place needs to be preserved by our daily walk with Jesus and our obedience to the dominance of the Holy Spirit in the Most Holy Place.

Lt Deceit with his faithful soldiers starts working in the knowledge arena only through his powerful weapon i.e. “Fruit of the tree of knowledge”. Lt Deceit simultaneously gains access to the Holy Place of the soldier in the Light Kingdom and there he feeds the mind of the soldiers concerned with his three tablets. Lt Deceit is in a hurry to feed them with three tablets so as to equip them for the destructive work of the King Evil One. Since he uses his sword which is similar to the two edged sword in the hand of Lt. Discernment, the soldiers in the Light Kingdom are not able to discern the one-sided sword.

The Word of God is a two-edged sword. The devil while tempting Jesus used the one edged sword by quoting the Word of God from one angle only but Jesus used the two-edged Sword by quoting the Word of God from the other side. The final battle of the King Evil One lies in the middle court of the soldier i.e. the knowledge faculty where the devil works with the one-edged sword with the help of deceived ministers of God. Once he gains control of the Holy Place i.e. the soul, then the young soldier will be totally controlled by King Evil One through Captain Deceit. And the seat of the King Holy One in the Most Holy Place will disappear. This will be the backsliding state of the soldiers and the King of Righteousness will judge them ultimately.

First, the deceiver deceives us in the outer court because we listen to many voices, unable to discern the voice of the Evil One. Then, a battle takes place in the outer court where the deceiver attempts to blind our spiritual eyes but we should hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in us by humbling ourselves before God and man. In our soul, God reveals Himself to us and not in the outer court.

Our mind is the outer court whereas our heart or soul is the Holy Place. We have to guard our heart against the deceptions that come from the outer court i.e. knowledge realm. “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man” (Mathew 15: 18). It is the heart of a man that is deceived and wicked. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jer.17:19)

The first tablet of Arrogance, which is the main trait of Evil One, makes them arrogant placing them on a high knowledge pedestal. They now assume that they are the most perfect ones in the Light Kingdom who do not need any ministry by Captain Prophet.

The second tablet of Unrighteousness, which is also a trait of Evil One makes them judge their fellow soldiers or the children of God in the Light Kingdom in an unrighteous manner. They are quick to judge and not to discern. They want to teach and not to learn.

During my childhood, I saw a picture of man’s bad and good heart during my Sunday class studies. When the Evil One is cast from the sinner’s heart, the sinner becomes a saint and his heart is described as full of light. But the same heart turns into an evil heart when the Evil One slowly makes his abode in this heart by driving away the “Dove”. The heart is likened to the middle and inner court. The “Dove” seated in the centre of the heart is the abode of the Holy Ghost in our lives. When the evil one re-enters our heart and fills us with pride, hatred and unrighteousness, the Holy One leaves our heart because the Spirit of God cannot strive with us for ever and the Holy One and the evil one cannot co-exist in our hearts.

As we study the outer court, the evil one is entrenched in the hearts of sinners who commit all visible and invisible sins and abominable sins. The Holy One saves the sinner, enters his heart and makes an abode in the Most Holy Place i.e. centre of the heart. In the heart of a saint, the evil one attempts to plant hatred, pride and unrighteousness because a saint with his soul saved normally does not discern these three kinds of invisible sins.

King Holy One ultimately commanded His Captain Apostle and Captain Prophet to work together to close the breaches on the wall of the Light Kingdom by posting permanently Lt. Prayer under Captain Apostle and Lt. Discernment under Captain Prophet on the gates of the Light Kingdom and to heal the wounded soldiers maimed by the fiery arrows of the Prosperity Gospel and the thousands of the children in the Light Kingdom whose minds were poisoned by the Captains False Prophet and Babylon of the Dark Kingdom through the Balm of Gilead i.e. the Blood of the Lamb. The wounded soldiers are to be restored and mentored by the apostles, the prophets and the teachers in the Body of Christ.

In the body of Christ, God has positioned five types of ministries with the support of other ministries of discernment and prayer for equipping the saints for the ministry.

(This is purely a fiction with a view to driving home certain truths for the growing disciples of Jesus Christ).

Job Anbalagan

Glory of His Cross Prophetic Ministries