Signs of the end time


When the disciples of Jesus asked Him for the sign of His second coming and of the end of the age, first and foremost warning given by Jesus is that we should not be deceived by anyone who claims himself to be the Christ. Presently, throughout the When the disciples of Jesus asked Him for the sign of His second coming and of the end of the age, first and foremost warning given by Jesus is that we should not be deceived by anyone who claims himself to be the Christ. Presently, throughout the world, many religious leaders or god-men claim themselves to be the Christs. In India, there is a god-man, namely, Satya Sai Baba who claims himself to be also the Christ. When Prince Charles of England visited India, he paid a visit to this god-man.

Secondly, Jesus warns us about wars and rumors of wars. As I write this message, USA and its allies are preparing for war against Iraq, ignoring the world opinion and the counsel of the churches. Jesus says, "all things must come to pass, but the end is not yet". All these things have to come to pass because we are in the last of last days. We, the people of God, should be prepared to face the consequences of war by claiming His protection in Psalm 91.

Jesus then says that nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. Today, we find that many nations have risen against their neighboring nations. Many kingdoms have risen against their enemy kingdoms. USA, UK and Spain have risen as one kingdom against Iraq who is forming a kingdom of its supporters. There are famines throughout the world. Even the American economy is reported to be not good with unemployment soaring high. Pestilences for which the medical science has not yet invented any remedy are stalking every nation. Earthquakes take place in diverse places. According to Jesus, these are the beginning of our sorrows.

Many false prophets performing great miracles and healings have appeared to deceive the multitudes now! Lawlessness abounds everywhere. The people take law into their own hands. Today, we find serial killers, kidnappers, terrorists, sexual-maniacs, child-abusers, etc. The love of husbands or wives toward their spouses and the love of children toward their parents have grown cold. Divorce figures have touched the highest record in the world history! Spouses hate one another. Jesus finally exhorts us to endure all these things to the end.

- Job Anbalagan