A new set of deceived ministers of God

A second category of servants of God who attack the Body of Christ (denying the Christ manifested in flesh) is also emerging. This category of servants are also being deceived by the same spirit of Antichrist. The Devil wants to separate them from the Body of Christ so that they become Antichrists. They ride only on the heads of Christians exposing their sins openly so that the Name of Christ is brought to disrepute among the unbelievers. They assume the prophetic role of safeguarding the church from the ministers whom they accuse as wolves in sheep's clothing or "prosperity gospel preachers". They are filled with self-righteousness, arrogance and hatred. They magnify the mistakes or the sins of the people of God openly and bring railing accusations against God's elect. Their eyes are blinded by their own righteousness and they do not have the life of Jesus. They progressively leave the Body of Christ. Now let us read the epistle of Jude.

We have to test the fruits of these servants of God. They do not build their ministries on the foundation of apostles and prophets. They have their own doctrines, which are mostly one-sided as they quote the Bible from a particular angle, ignoring the other side of the Word in the same manner the Devil quoted the Scriptures, while tempting Jesus. They build their ministries on the sins and iniquities of the chosen people of God. A true prophetic minister has a prophetic mandate for the churches. He does not build his ministry on the sins and iniquities of the saints but on righteousness, humility and love.