IPv6 Redistribution: Include-connected

IPv6 Redistribution: "Include-connected" keyword

In IPv4, for redistribution of RIPv2 into OSPFv2, for example, we do redistribute rip subnets command from OSPF router configuration mode. The router essentially performs two steps-

    1. The router takes the output of show ip route rip command- all RIP routes are candidate for redistribution into OSPF
    2. The router takes the output of show ip route connected command- all connected routes enabled for RIP are candidate for redistribution into OSPF. This eliminates the need for redistribute connected subnets command.

In IPv6, redistribution is different. The router now performs only one step-

    1. The router takes the output of show ipv6 route rip command.

The router does not include the connected routes during redistribution usually performed using redistribute rip <process_name> command under OSPF router configuration mode.

To include RIPng enabled connected IPv6 interfaces to be redistributed into OSPFv3, we use

redistribute rip <process_name> include-connected command from OSPF router configuration mode.

NOTE: The redistribute connected command will redistribute all IPv6 interfaces on the router to OSPFv3, not just RIPng enabled interfaces.