Installation Instructions

Install & Uninstall

All my LabVIEW programs minimally require the 64 bit LabVIEW 2020 "lite" run-time engine specifically designed for my programs.

Common requirements

Operating system

    • Operating System requirement is the same as listed for the LabVIEW run-time engine. (Windows 10, WIndows 8.1, Windows 7 with at least SP1. New: 64bit OS is required )

    • Administrator privileges are required during installation.

    • See the general FAQ for common questions.


    • There are very few computer hardware limitations and programs have been successfully tested from simple netbooks (atom processor) to advanced multiprocessors workstations (e.g. Dual Xeon with 32 virtual cores)

Installation instructions

A link to the zip file containing all installers is available in the software section of the Hubbell Lab Website.

Download the zip file containing the custom LabVIEW 2020 "lite" run-time engine and all available installers of the current program versions. Follow the installations instructions in the included readme file.

Under some condition you might get a SmartScreen warning when trying to install. My software is safe and you can ignore the warning. If you see this (or something simular), first you need to click "More Info", which causes a second button labeled "Run Anyway" to appear. Press that button to continue the installation. (See image below).



To uninstall any of my programs, go to the control panel and select "add or remove Programs" (or equivalent), find the program in the list, and follow the usual procedure.

To uninstall the LabVIEW runtime engine (optional), repeat the above but select "National Instruments Software" and click "Change/Remove". You will get a list of all installed National Instrument software. Select NI LabVIEW Runtime .... and click Remove.