General FAQ

EPR programs

Q: I just downloaded a newer version of the same EPR program. Do I need to uninstall the older version before I can install it?

A: No, the installer is smart enough to notice the old version and will properly upgrade it to the new version.

Q: Does this mean that I cannot keep both versions of the same program?

A: Yes!

Q: The installer asks where the program should be installed? Can you recommend the absolute best choice?

A: Use the defaults!! Don't overthink things, Just press next!

Q: My computer supports hyperthreading. Is this of any advantage?

A: Yes, hyperthreading will give a  benefit.

Q: My computer has multiple CPUs and/or multiple cores. Is this of any advantage?

A: Yes, LabVIEW can fully utilize multiple CPU cores if the program flow allows. For example, the newest version of multicomponent can fully use up to 256 CPU cores, greatly speeding up the calculations.

Q: How good are the programs?

A: All programs are beta quality and require certain familiarity with the underlying science to be useful. The code and user interface covers 25+ years of LabVIEW development, so more recent programs are typically better.

Q: How about a Mac or Linux version?

A: LabVIEW itself is multi-platform but I have no means of making or testing programs for other platforms. I currently only support Windows. The programs should run fine on a Mac using a windows emulator but typically there are fewer cores available and performance will be less. I have tested serval programs under Linux, and after fixing some cosmetic issues, they work fine. Several  otherLinux flavors are supported: RedHat, Suse, etc.  but not tested. Below is picture of LongDistances running under Ubuntu . (The only real exception is Multicomponent, which requires a DLL and is thus Windows only).

LongDistances running under Linux (Ubuntu running in a Virtualbox VM). Performance is the same. 

Q: Why LabVIEW 64bit now?

A: The current programs are developed and build under 64bit LabVIEW. This provides a larger available address space, especially useful for image processing.  (Until recently (end of  2020), all programs were 32bit, but have now been rebuilt in 64bit to simplify distribution. Computers that are running 32bit Windows 10 are now incompatible, but these are very rare.  Please contact me if you need a 32bit version)

Q: I found a bug, what should I do?

A: Please contact me by e-mail.

Q: I  found a typographical error in the program or on this website?

A: So? Maybe you should get out more! Please let me know so I can correct it!

Q: I want feature xyz.

A: Please contact me by e-mail.

LabVIEW Runtime

Q: I have the exact same version of the LabVIEW  development system installed, do I still need to install the LabVIEW runtime?

A: No. Probably not. Even if you install the runtime, there should be no conflict.

Q: I have a full version of some other LabVIEW version installed, do I still need to install the LabVIEW runtime?

A:  That depends, so just try to run the program.  If it works, you are good, else install the runtime engine (The installation of the LabVIEW run-time will not conflict with your existing installations).

Q: I found more that one LabVIEW  run-time engine. Which one is correct?

A:  Do not install any LabVIEW runtime engine downloaded from National Instruments unless you already have newer software from National instruments installed. The LabVIEW 2020 runtime engine will also install the NI package manager and many additional modules that are not needed to run my software. I create a special customized LabVIEW 2020 "Lite" runtime engine that will only install what's needed.

Q: Do I need to uninstall my older LabVIEW Runtime Engines.

A: No and please don't! If you uninstall older versions of the runtime, your old LabVIEW executables will no longer work. All versions of the LabVIEW runtime engine can peacefully coexist.


Q: I don't have your e-mail address.

A: Each program found on this site contains version and contact information somewhere on the front panel. If you have pre-install questions, I am sure you'll find ways to contact me.

Q: I found your e-mail address! Can I send you an e-mail unrelated to the programs? 

A: Yes, but they should be either social, science, LabVIEW, or programming related (this list is complete). I am not looking for spam, nigerian wealth, marriage proposals, or job offers for example. (this list is not complete).

Q: I  am trying to write my own LabVIEW programs or make custom modifications. Can I have the source code?

A: Please contact me by e-mail.