MC Instructions

Many of you received a personal walk-through of the main program features.

The context help is still minimal but I wrote a very rough draft providing some guidance for the more complicated screens. It will be available soon.

Here is a quick summary to get you started:

  • The program contains default data (simulated+noise) and default parameters, so all you need to do is press fit (or hit the [home] key) to start fitting.
  • If you don't have any useful data, there's a built-in tool to generate noisy data from a simulation. Now change the parameters and see if the program can find them again.
  • Many of you received a quick personal walk-through (e.g. At the Biophysical Meeting in San Francisco or at the workshop in Milwaukee), but newcomers might find the user interface a bit intimidating.
  • I have added some guidance to some of the program panels. I have also written some very rough instruction and will post it after some proofreading.
  • One key idea is the notion of "sets" and "components". Spectral "components" (ABCD) can be assigned "sets" for all parameter groups (1234). For example component A can use set1 for the rate tensor and component B use set2 for the rate tensor, but both (A&B) could share set4 for the A tensor, and so on. The green LED in the "set" determines if the parameter is selected for fitting, even if several components use it.
  • All parameters selected for fitting will show up in the list on the right of the "EPR settings" page if they are used by at least one component.
  • To start fitting, simply press the [home] key. To interrupt fitting, hit [Esc].

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