Multicomponent V1

This page is for the first beta version (version 350 or lower) of the program and is now obsolete.

Please upgrade to the current version!

Some Features:

    • Up to four spectral components. Each component is the full Freed/Budil model, including MOMD.
    • Flexible parameter assignment. Any parameter can be held fixed or be fittable.
    • Parameters (fixed or fittable) can be shared by multiple components if desired.
    • Frequency input.
    • Choice of Levenberg-Marquardt or Simplex fitting algorithm.
    • All fitting algorithms are tunable. Default tuning parameters are optimized out of the box.
    • Spectral weighting to emphasize or disregard spectral regions.
    • Real-time display of fitting progress (graph, chisquare, fitting parameter values)
    • Fitting can be interrupted at any time.
    • Full multiprocessor support for faster computations.
    • Reads ASCII, ELEXSYS, EMX data files.
    • Writes multicolum ASCII (field, data, spectrum, weight, spectral components)

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