Q: When will the program be available for download?

A: The program has just been recompiled for LabVIEW 2009 SP1 and is available for download.

Q: How do I know if a new version is available.

A: Please contact me by e-mail so I can put you on my mailing list.

Q: I think the results are incorrect?

A: Please write your own software! Alternatively, let me know and I may be able to fix it for everyone.

Q: The program tells me that the distribution width is zero?

A: Please manually enter a resonable width (e.g. 1-2A) and turn off the green box to the right of it. This will keep the width fixed for fitting.

Q: After I fit, the fitting of the shift parameter is no longer enabled. Why?

A: This is by design. Whenever the shift is fit, the best shift will be applied to the double-shift on the data tab. In subsequent fits, the alignment is typically no longer needed. The box is automatically re-enabled for the first fit whenever new data is loaded. Nothing prevents you from enabling or disabling the shift parameter manually at any time.

Q: The program crashes.

A: This is unlikely, but if it is reproducible, please provide me with data files and instructions to reproduce the problem.

Q: How do I load Bruker files (Elexys, EMX)

A: Convert them to single column ASCII. I have code that can read both file types, but it is not yet exposed to the user because of some unresolved issues. (e.g. what should happen if D and S have different field ranges?)

Q: If I load the demo spectra from the old 2001 deconvolution program, I get slightly different results.

A: Yes, the results are slightly different because they use a different algorithm to calculate the pake functions. Also, the pake functions in the old library are broadened by a gaussian function with a width related to the library spacing to give a smooth simulated spectra. Broadening of a Pake with a Gaussian slightly shrinks the apparent splitting. It will not make a difference for real data. The new program is much more rigorous and should be used.

Q: Is there a good reason to still use the old 2001 program?

A: No. If you really want to see the dipolar interaction spectrum, I can add that feature in a future version.

Q: I found a bug, what should I do?

A: Please contact me by e-mail.

Q: I want feature xyz.

A: Please contact me by e-mail.