General Information

Context Help

Most controls and indicators of the program contain context help for better documentation. Pressing "ctrl+h" will popup the context help window. Just hover over a front panel object, and if you're lucky, there will be additional information about that object.

Other help and documentation may be included. Some programs also come with a set of demo data for testing and exercise.


All programs are provided for free. They are programmed and built entirely in LabVIEW and supplied as a windows installer. After installation, shortcuts to all my programs can be found in the start menu under EPR Programs.

If you are a serious user, please contact me so I can notify you of any updates and new developments. Your e-mail address will only be used for communications directly related to these programs.


Unless otherwise noted, all programs are beta quality and come without any warranty on their accuracy or usefulness. They are not idiot proof and, if used without proper understanding, can possibly give equally ridiculous results. Make sure you keep backups of your data. Don't blame me if you overwrite your data using my programs. Features may change in future releases. Feedback and suggestions are highly encouraged.

Terms of use

By downloading my programs, you agree to the following:

The programs are for academic use and cannot be sold or redistributed. Don't reverse engineer the code or make a substantially similar copy of the user interface using your own programming tools. If my program is used to process data for publications, this should be mentioned and acknowledged.

All EPR programs provided here were developed at UCLA by Christian Altenbach in the Lab of Professor Wayne L. Hubbell.

Support was provided by NIH grants R01EY05216 and P30EY00331, the Jules Stein Professor Endowment, and the Bruce Ford and Anne Smith Bundy Foundation.