File Formats

Input file formats

See the about tab for currently supported input file formats.

Output file formats

When you press [Save], the following happens:

If it does not yet exist, a new folder called "LD_Results" is created in the place where your data resides. (If there is a problem, e.g. if the disk is not writeable, you’ll get a red LED in the about tab. At this point you should move your data to a writeable location or many things will not work right).

If the results folder is writeable, the following seven results files will be written.

If your data file is called <Original File>.dta, it will create seven files in the "LD_results" folder:

1. <Original File>.png

2. <Original File>_DIST.txt

3. <Original File>_DEER.txt

4. <Original File>_RSLT.txt

5. <Original File>_DEER_@XXXXXXXXXX.txt

6. <Original File>_DIST_@XXXXXXXXXX.txt

7. <Original File>_RSLT_@XXXXXXXXXX.txt

@XXXXXXXXXX is unique encoded timestamp

DIST: Distance Distribution

DEER: Dipolar data

RSLT: Fit result

File 1 is a png image of the printout you would have gotten if you had printed it, but at lower resolution. This is useful for e-mail attachments and archiving. Files 2-7 are tab delimited ASCII files that you can import into excel (note that the decimal delimiter is a period, not comma). Files 2-4 are overwritten whenever you save again while analyzing the same data file, so if you want to keep multiple versions, you should copy them before the next save. The first row contains headers. Files 5-7 are used internally, for example to display previous results and contain no headers. The unique identifier contains an accurate timestamp of the save operation and files are thus always unique.

See the output tab for more information.