EPR Analysis Programs
A LabVIEW program for fitting multicomponent EPR spectra of nitroxide spin labels.
A LabVIEW program to extract distance probability distributions from DEER data.
A LabVIEW program to extract distance probability distributions from dipolar broadedened EPR spectra.
(Code is currently a bit stale and inefficient. Will be updated as time allows)
A very simple teaching program to calculate rigid limit spectra of nitroxides. (This is based on my ancient code from the last century, but has been updated for a cleaner UI). It can also calculate single crystal spectra as a function of orientation and also implements the Griffith model of anisotropic motion, given an arbitrary averaging direction and order parameter. A fourth model based on the theories of Timofeev is currently not exposed to the user.
Click on the images for more information on each program
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All EPR programs provided here were developed at UCLA by Christian Altenbach in the Lab of Professor Wayne L. Hubbell.
Support was provided by NIH grants R01EY05216 and P30EY00331, the Jules Stein Professor Endowment, and the Bruce Ford and Anne Smith Bundy Foundation.