MC V0.3 Benchmarks

Here are the results of benchmark v0.3

These results are valid for program versions 480 through 600 and thus obsolete.

Click here to see the new V0.6 benchmarks.

CPU: Name of CPU, Model: Model of CPU, Ghz: CPU clock in GHz

Cores: total number of CPU cores.

Number in parenthesis includes hyper-threading. (e.g. 4(8) means 4 real cores, each hyper-threaded)

NxN means multiple CPUs (e.g. 2x2 mean 2 dual core CPUs)

LMn: Levenberg-Marquardt fit with n spectral components, time/iteration in milliseconds.

SXn: Simplex fit with n spectra components, time/iteration in milliseconds.

User: initials of tester. A * means the spectrum display was open during the test.

Smaller numbers are better!

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special notes:

(a): Macbook running Windows 7 on Parallels desktop. Seems to only have access to one core (?).

(b): multicore manually disabled

(c) multicore not available

MC V0.3 Benchmarks