July 19, 2020

Post date: Jul 21, 2020 7:8:35 PM

July 19, 2020 Homily by Fr. Karl Schray

A Russian youth who had become a conscientious objector to war

through the reading of Tolstoy and the New Testament was brought

before a magistrate. With the strength of conviction,

he told the judge he wanted to imitate Jesus and love our enemies

and overcome evil with good. “This is why I will not fight in any war.”

Yes, said the judge, “I understand. But you must be realistic.

These laws you are talking about are the laws of the kingdom of God.

And it has not come yet.” The young man straightened and said, ‘Sir,

I recognize that it has not come for you, nor yet for Russia or the world.

But the Kingdom of God has come for me!

I cannot go on hating and killing as though it had not come.’

Today’s Gospel teaches several lessons; first, the Kingdom of God on earth, including the Church, has both good and bad in it until harvest time.

And second, within each of us there is both good and bad.

In other words, God awaits repentant sinners, so that they may come to conversion before the harvest. The Kingdom of God is still at the growing stage. Now is the time for conversion. People can change. We can change.

The Church is not a museum for saints but a school for sinners. We just heard St. Paul admit his weakness. But Jesus told him elsewhere- “My grace is sufficient for you; for power is made perfect in weakness.”

Like Jesus’ tiny mustard seed, St. Paul grew into a fruitful tree for God’s Kingdom. Jesus gives each one of us his grace to grow into a fruit-bearing tree.

God’s good kingdom will prevail and overcome all evil in the end. Let us live and pray to be like the mustard seed or leaven to make a godly difference in our world. Amen.