Easter 2020

Post date: Apr 12, 2020 5:46:57 PM

Easter 2020 Homily by Fr. Karl Schray

We can face anything, endure anything, if we know or believe

it will not last forever and that something better will happen.

For instance, people will face a long painful, dangerous operation

if they believe it will make them well again.

We can face the rigors of a long and miserable winter because we know

that spring will come.

We can endure this pandemic because we believe it will end.

What all these underlines is the importance of hope. Hope is as necessary for the spirit as bread is for the body.

It is amazing what the human spirit can endure and overcome provided it is nourished by the bread of hope.

The world didn’t take much notice of the resurrection of Jesus.

The reason for this lies in the fact that it was a humble hidden event.

Jesus did not appear in triumph in the Temple of Jerusalem, or the palace

of Pilate, humiliating those who humiliated him.

Only those whom he called by name, with whom he broke the Eucharistic bread and to whom he spoke words of peace,

were aware of what happened. And even they had difficulty in believing.

Like us, they were slow to believe. Yet, it was this hidden event

that freed humanity from the shackles of sin and death.

Jesus rose as a sign to those who loved and followed him—

that God’s love is stronger than death.

The death of Jesus was part of God’s plan, his permissive plan. Jesus points the way and leads us along His road of obedience and suffering.

This Easter, we feel the pain of all those suffering from the Corona Virus,

those who have died, their grieving loved ones,

and the courageous health care workers on the front lines.

We feel the pain of our family and friends who are not able

to participate in Mass and Communion. And we priests who are not able

to celebrate the Sacraments with our parishioners.

But a new feature has been introduced into our lives.

It doesn’t remove the pain, but it gives it meaning. The Crucifixion without the Resurrection would only be tragedy.

But His Resurrection makes His Passion and our sufferings redemptive.

It lights us up with hope. All is different because Jesus is alive and

speaks his words of peace to us, as he spoke them to the apostles.

Faith in the resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our hope of eternal life,

a hope which enables us to bear patiently the trials of life.

Therefore, there is a quiet joy and a deep sense of peace

because we know that life is stronger than death,

love is stronger than fear and hope is stronger than despair.

The good news of Jesus’ Resurrection isn’t just that we shall die and

go home with him but that He is Risen and comes home with us.

Along with the lamb served at every Passover meal, there was an egg

on the plate. The Jewish Christians recognized this symbol of new life,

so they dyed their eggs red to symbolize the blood of Christ.

At Easter, they gave them to their friends, saying:

“Receive the new life of Jesus in his blood shed for you”.