July 12, 2020
Post date: Jul 14, 2020 7:46:20 PM
July 12, 2020 Homily by Fr. Karl Schray
As a family on vacation rode down the country road there was a big sign
that read: Road Closed. They maneuvered around the sign and continued. Suddenly the road ended and there was an even larger sign:
“What part of Road Closed didn’t you understand?”
In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us that is why he uses parables,
to help those who have trouble understanding his teachings. realize what they need to know to be saved.
A good story, however, can often have several interpretations.
So, I wish to suggest another way we can look at the parable,
a way that might enhance our own spiritual growth. Instead of
thinking of the field as all of humankind, think of the entire field
as representing just yourself. If I see just myself as the field,
I see that sometimes I am closed to God’s word,
sometimes I get very enthusiastic, but my enthusiasm has no depth,
sometimes my life is so cluttered with things I must do or want to do,
that I have no time left for God.
But sometimes my heart and mind are like the rich soil, and
I take God’s word in and serve him genuinely and faithfully.
Looking at the parable that way, I see in myself hardened paths,
stony ground, and weeds but I also see good soil. And I have
the freedom to determine how well God’s word will take root in me
by changing what I can in my life so there is more good soil in my heart and mind for the seed of God’s word to fall upon.
As we pray today, let us ask God to help us see
where in our lives God’s grace is having a hard time taking root. Amen.