Page 8 : Pick-up Coils and Bending Lenz's Law 拾取線圈以及顛覆楞次定律

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Please don't take a single word I have to say on this page as explicit "truth ". PLEASE reproduce your own motor/generator experiments as outlined on this page.Please Verify Effects For Yourself!!!

前面所說的複雜的東西,希望你現在已經能消化其中一些了,並且為了符合 KISS 的精神,此時你決定採用單一繞線驅動線圈,看看單一繞線 "拾取線圈(pick-up coil)" 可以做什麼。它們在電路上稱為 "被動 (passive)" 元件,所以應該只要把它們裝上然後就可以使用,不是這樣嗎??? Yeah right! 我們所學的理論是這樣說的 : 將拾取線圈靠近轉子,再接上全波橋式整流,然後,哇! 就得到直流電了,但是要有付出代價的。待價是由於 楞次定律 (Lenz's Law) 作用在發電機所造成的。

Lenz's Law states that: the magnetic field of any induced current opposes the change that induces it.

Heres a quick link to Wikipeadia for a cross reference:'s_law

那意思是說,當你開始使用拾取線圈輸出的電流的時候,那個電流也會抵制磁鐵的移動! 那就是楞次 (Lenz) 所說的意思。 So much for being passive coils! Now in almost all instances I would pay complete homage to a great man like Lenz and agree with everything he says. 然而,我膽子好大,竟敢說在 "open magnetic system" 的情形下,他只說對了一部分! 他並沒有錯,只是不完全正確而已。

Lenz's Law probably needs a little post editing to say " the magnetic field of most induced current opposes the change that induces it, most of the time ".

Whew!, I'm really going to get into trouble with the "establishment" over that statement. I only changed one word and added a few more, but it's a BIG change for the parameters of motor/generator construction. You've already seen how the circuit in Fig 19 on page 6 can redirect an oppositional current to a complimentary unidirectional one, thus aiding the inducing force instead of opposing it.

So you've already seen a principle at work in pulsing which "bends" Lenz's Law. Try the bi-filar arrangement in Fig 19 yourself! Keep impedances low, under 5 ohms, and duty cycle to 25% or less. But even a so called "passive" coil, which is one that is not connected to any power supply, will bend Lenz's Law in an open magnetic system

你可以自己證明這一點,因為 Adams motor 的發明人 Robert Adams 完整的公開發表了簡單線圈及轉子的設計圖。不幸的是,Robert Adams 曲解了他自己所看到的現象。我相信他並沒有說謊,並且 "he honestly believed (他確實相信)" 有額外的能量進入系統, when in fact there was less out of phase "oppositional" energy created which hinders a motor system.

可以自己證明這一點,假如你自己做一些實驗的話。 在下面的 Fig 23, Adams 表演給你看怎麼顛覆楞次定律。

在上面的 Fig 23 中,是Robert Adams的設計圖,現在成了著名的 "黃金比例馬達發電機 (Golden Ratio Motor Generator)"。 重疊在上面的兩個沒有接上的線圈的相片,只是為了突顯 Adams 原始設計圖中的線圈。你會注意到 拾取線圈具有"heel end",而驅動線圈沒有。 I explained this difference in core usage and operation on Page 4 / Fig 11. Don't argue with Adams on this feature. What I hadn't previously explained, was that the "heel end" also exaggerates the effect you will create. You may also notice that in Adams diagram he shows an "Ammeter" for measuring current, yet on his ammeter is the ~ symbol which represents AC. There has never been an analogue meter built, which can measure AC current directly, so we'll have to assume that the meter has it's own inbuilt full wave bridge to convert the current to DC. Always question what you see!

現在,假設你已經準備好製作馬達的全部材料。- 在此實驗最重要的是做的馬達要有充分的實際轉矩,所以驅動線圈的阻抗要夠小。每個驅動線圈繞在大約長50-60 mm以及直徑大約 10-12 mm 的蕊心上,使用 .6 mm 的線,大約繞 150-200 圈。假如可以的話,最好是使用中空蕊心, because they also exaggerate the effect and minimize drag. 但是假如你是個 Adams 純粹主義者,那麼使用軟磁性不鏽鋼 (non-retentive magnetic stainless steel) 來製作驅動線圈,以及使用疊片軟鐵 (laminated soft iron) 來製作拾取線圈。

你會想要輸出線圈的輸出電壓比電源稍微高一點,但仍有適當的電流輸出,所以使用同樣 .6 mm 的線,繞約 200 - 300 圈,蕊心的長度約 70-100 mm,直徑約 10-12 mm 。依照 Adams 的設計圖,將 2 個驅動線圈串聯連接,也將 4 個拾取線圈串聯接在一起。你的馬達大概是直徑在 80 - 140 mm 之間,而且你可能使用直徑 10-15 mm左右,長約 10-15 mm 的釹 (neodymium) 磁鐵。不管馬達的尺寸、蕊心長度和直徑為何,等等,那些都是 "無關緊要的"。只要你的馬達有豐沛的 "grunt - 實在的轉矩" 就可以了,在你將 "heel end" 拾取線圈放定位置後,仍能以相當高的 RPM 旋轉。

在 Adams 對此電路的原始說明中,他宣稱 "when you connect the output of the pickup coils to a load, the torque of the motor will increase (當你將拾取線圈的輸出接上負載,馬達的轉矩將會增加)"。他為何要如此宣稱? 當你將輸出接上負載時,發生了什麼事? 根據楞次定律,你應該觀察到馬達變慢了,因為線圈上感應的電流會抵制轉子的運動。

要瞭解Adams motor 的這個效應,讓我們很快的證明 Lenz 原來是對的,馬達 / 發電機完全遵循他的定律。你需要兩個傳統的永磁式直流小馬達。他們不用一樣,但能夠一樣會更好。請參照下面的 Fig 24。

在上面的 Fig 24,當 motor A 連接至電源時,其可以轉動 motor B,藉由彼此的軸之間的聯結器。Motor A 的轉矩會使 Motor B 產生電壓,所以我們把 Motor B 當成發電機。因為傳遞損失,發電機輸出的電壓不會和輸入至 Motor A 的電壓一樣高。所以的負載的開關都打開,沒有負載接到發電機,所以馬達和發電機很輕鬆的一起高速轉動著。

But as soon as you close the switch to R1, the generator circuit will provide current to the resistor, and this will cause a breaking effect due to Lenz's Law. This will cause the motor to slow down a bit because it has to work harder to maintain RPM against the oppositon created by the generator. Now switch on R2, then R3, R4, R5, R6, etc, until you switch on the short circuit at the end of the generator output line. Each time you switch on another Resistor, the breaking effect due to Lenz's Law will increase with increased current (shown by the current meter). At short circuit, the breaking effect within the generator will become so great that it will cause Motor A to stall and start "smoking" if you leave it connected too long! . As the breaking effect takes place you will see the supply current increase dramatically with each increase in load, as Motor A works harder to achieve continued rotation.

Now connect the Load Panel shown in Fig 24 above to the output of your Adams motor "Pick-Up Coils" as shown in Fig 25 Below. (Make your own Load Panel if you need to, and note meters are optional but recommended for this experiment.)

In Fig 25 the Adams motor pick-up coils are connected via a full wave bridge to the Load Panel for both measurement purposes and to compare like with like. The experiment with the two DC motors produces DC output because the DC motor coils are connected via commutator switches. So we'll make the Adams motor/generator output DC as well.

現在重複先前的實驗。 Be aware you are not trying to create a true comparison between the DC motors and an Adams motor per se, but a comparison in the way Lenz's Law affects or doesn't affect them. Turn on the supply to your Adams motor, let it get to top speed, then start switching the load Resistors on, one by one, from R1 to the Short Circuit.

To repeat what should be : "According to Lenz's Law, you should perceive a slowing of the rotor because the current induced into the coils opposes the movement of the rotor."

What actually happens ?????. If your motor is operating within the "realm of disbelief", as it likely will (LOL), you will notice something very strange!!.

You may notice the following:


當R1接上,馬達稍微慢了一點點。當R2接上,馬達可能又會慢了一點,但沒有像接上R1時慢那麼多。當R3接上時,也是一樣的情形。但是,當你將 R4 接上,馬達的速度看起來完全沒變。你再繼續做下去,當你將 R5 接上,速度仍然是沒有變,不過,當你將 R6 接上,馬達的速度似乎變成更快了。R8、R9 和 R10也是一樣。它的速度幾乎就是開始時的速度。然後,你將會大大的感到訝異,你將電路短路,馬達會全速運轉,就好像完全沒有負載一樣。


Now this is what I have personally observed in countless experiments and numerous different Adams motor Configurations. Replicate it Please !!!! Don't be discouraged if your coil setup doesn't do this. Try connecting the 4 coils into 2 parrallel circuits of 2 coils in series, or connect all 4 coils in parallel. Also try replacing the 20 ohm resistors on your Load Panel with 10 ohm resistors, so that the total load resistance is even lower, and therefore allows more generator current to flow each time you operate a switch. At some stage you will get it right. And if you just can't seem to get it right with your Adams motor, don't despair, because the effect can still be easily achieved. Read on.

At first it is easy to think that somehow you gained some free energy because the motor sped up to the same speed as if there were no load: - This statement is part of the puzzle and part of the answer. We will explore this phenomon again in a later page, where I will help you to prove that this "strange effect" not only exists, but exists in any open magnetic system. Proving it will be simpler than you think, because you will use an ordinary DC motor as the driving force. In fact proving it with a DC motor is more likely to yield successful results because of the great torque characteristics of Permanent Magnet DC shunt wound motors. Speed and "real" Torque matter!

在下一個page,我們要回到 pulse motor 的設計,以及探討 duty cycle,還有如何利用感光開關來作較好的控制,而非 hall 元件或觸發線圈 (triggering coil)。

我也將會討論 "時間常數" 對效能有多大的影響。不過不用太擔心啦,我會儘可能把所有的東西都弄得淺顯易懂。然而,我還是要再強調一下,Adams motors 是 "Dynamic",還有很多要學的。你可能會擔心很難瞭解,但是我敢打賭,只要你真的動手去作和嘗試著去瞭解,你會樂在其中的!