
The Disciplined Trader -- Developing Winning Attitudes

Mark Douglas

自律的交易員 -- 建立贏的態度










Part I Introduction

第一部份 簡介

1 Why I Wrote This Book

1 我為何寫此書

2 Why a New Thinking Methodology?

2 為何需要新的思考方式

Part II The Nature of the Trading Environment from a Psychological Perspective

第二部份 從心理學觀點來看交易環境的本質

3 The Market Is Always Right

3 巿場永遠是對的

4 There Is Unlimited Potential for Profit and Loss

4 有無窮盡的獲利與虧損的可能性

5 Prices Are in Perpetual Motion with No Defined Beginning or Ending

5 價格是無止盡的永恒運動

6 The Market Is an Unstructured Environment

6 巿場是一個非結構性的環境

7 In the Market Environment, Reasons Are Irrelevant

7 在巿場環境中,原因是不相干的

8 The Three Stages to Becoming a Successful Trader

8 成為成功的交易員的三個階段

Part III Building a Framework for Understanding Ourselves

第三部份 建立瞭解自我的架構

9 Understanding the Nature of the Mental Environment

9 瞭解心智環境的本質

10 How Memories, Associations, and Beliefs Manage Environmental Information

10 記憶、聯想、及信念如何管理環境的訊息

11 Why We Need to Learn How to Adapt

11 為何我們必需學習如何適應

12 The Dynamics of Goal Achievement

12 達成目標的動力

13 Managing Mental Energy

13 管理心智能量

14 Techniques for Effecting Change

14 有效改變的技巧

Part IV How to Become a Disciplined Trader

第四部份 如何成為自律的交易員

15 The Psychology of Price Movement

15 價格變動的心理學

16 The Steps to Success

16 成功的步驟

17 A Final Note

17 最後的叮嚀