Owen E. Powers (36888643)

Rank - Cpl

KIA 11 Dec 1944

Son of John F. and Adeline Powers of Detroit, Michigan (2831 Lawton, Detroit, Michigan).

Originally buried in Henri Chapelle American Cemetery, Belgium on 12 Dec 1944. Disinterred on 6 September 1947 and shipped back to the United States. His remains finally made it back to Michigan on 2 December 1947. They were received at the Edward H. Bobcean Funeral Home in Detroit Michigan and finally laid to rest in Forest Lawn Cemetery. According to his Individual Personal Death File he was killed by a fractured skull and his humerus and femur were also fractured. He was buried in his uniform and a mattress cover in a simple grave with a marker at Henri Chapelle.

Find A Grave Memorial
