The Men of the 751st FABN

This is a place for people to tell the stories of the men of the 751st Field Artillery Battalion. Many of the individual soldiers pages already have details but the majority do not yet. Below is an organizational chart for the 751st FABN from the time they left Fort Bowie to approximately May 1945. Choose the appropriate battery or location where the soldier you are looking for served and then see if his name is listed already. If so follow it to find out more about him or contact the administrator to provide details. You can also search the site to see if perhaps your soldier was mistakenly listed in the wrong place. If so notify the administrator and it will be corrected. (last updated 3/11/2015)

Medical Detachment Unknown Btry

(Men in the unknown battery need a source

to place them in the correct battery i.e. service

file or discharge paperwork)