Unit Daily Journal

This daily journal of the 751st Field Artillery Battalion offers a day by day accounting of the battalion from the day they left Camp Bowie, Texas in July of 1945 until the fall of 1945. Once the battalion entered into its official occupation duties at the end of the war it soon became unnecessary to keep a day by day account of the battalions activities. Those accounts are given in monthly reports. This daily journal will offer a glimpse into the places the battalion visited, casualties incurred, awards given, battles fought in, and many other details.

Unit Journal.xlsx

Headquarters 751st Field Artillery Battalion, APO 209 US Army, 24 April 46

Report of Operations 1 Jan – 30 Jun 46

To: Commanding General, United States Forces European Theater.

ATTN: Historical Division, WD Special Staff

1. In accordance with Ltr AG 314.7, Headquarters, USFET, dtd 20 Sep 45, subject, “same as above”, the following report is hereby submitted:

The month of January 46 opened with the Battalion still having the mission of transient messes and billets and installations in the Seventh US Army Area directly under Special Service Section Seventh US Army. Headquarters Battery was operating Special Service City in Seckenheim, Germany (WR5995) (R 650-970). Service Battery, also in Seckenheim, Germany (WR5995) in addition to normal duties, performed maintenance of vehicles belonging to Special Service Section Seventh US Army. Battery “A” was operating transient mess in South Station, Frankfurt, Germany (WM6774). Battery “A” also operated the USO hotel in Kassel and the transient billets and mess in Karlsruhe, Germany (WR4945). Battery “C” was operating the hotels and billets at Assmannhausen, Germany (0960054) which is the headquarters of the Seventh US Army Rhine Tours. On the 27th of January 46 the Medical Detachment moved its CP to Schriesheim, Germany (WR6897). On the 11th of January 46 Service Battery also moved its CP to Schriesheim, Germany (WR6897). On the 6th of March 46 the ski school at Gerfsfeld, Germany (WH5608) was assigned to this Battalion. The Gersfeld ski school was closed on 26 Mar 46 and the personnel were assigned to other batteries of the Battalion. On 25 March 46, Battery “A” moved its CP from Schoenstadt, Germany (WG7850) to Frankfurt, Germany (WM6447).

Charles V Frisbee, Major FA, Commanding

Headquarters 751st Field Artillery Battalion, APO 209 US Army, 29 Jun 46

Subject: Report of Operations

TO: Commanding General, US Forces, European Theater

APO 757 US Army (thru channels)

1. In accordance with letter title as above dated 24 April 1946, file AG 214.7 HIS-AGO the following report of operations is submitted for the period 1 April to 30 June 1946.

A. The period opened with the Battalion still operating transit messes and billets in the TUSA area as follows:

(1) Special Service City, Seckenheim (WR6509) Headquarters and Headquarters Battery

(2) Transit Mess South Station, Frankfurt (WM6866) USO Hotel Kassel (RC2102) Battery “A”

(3) Third Army Transit Mess and Diner, Karlsruhe (WR4745) Battery “B”

(4) Third Army Leave Center and Rhine Tours, Assmanshausen (WM1054) Battery “C”

(5) Service Battery located at Schriesheim (WR6629) performed normal battery functions as well as operating a motor pool for TUSA Special Service.

B. No changes of assignment occurred during the period the battalion being inactivated 30 June 1946.