
Adj. - Adjutant

AGF - Army Ground Forces

Ammo - Ammunition

Bn - Battalion

Btry - Battery

Capt. - Captain

C.O. - Commanding Officer

Comd - Commander

Corp - Corporal

CP - Camp or Command Post

CSMO - Close Station March Order

Div. - Division

DP - Displaced Persons

ETO - European Theater of Operations

ETOUSA - European Theater of Operations United States of America

FA - Field Artillery

FABN - Field Artillery Battalion

FDC - Fire Direction Center

Ft. - Fort

Gen. - General

GI - Government Issue

How. - Howitzer

Hq - Headquarters

KP - Kitchen Police

Ln O - Liaison Officer

LST - Landing Ship Tank

Lt. - Lieutenant

Lt. Col. - Lieutenant Colonel

mm - millimeter

M.O. - Motor Officer

MP - Military Policeman

MSgt - Master Sergeant

NSDDP - National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbetterpartei (Nazi Party)

O.D.O. -

PFC - Private First Class

POE - Port of Embarkation

POM - Preparation for Overseas Movement

Pvt - Private

PW - Prisoner of War

PWE - Prisoner of War Enclosure

QM - Quarter Master

R.O. - Reconnaissance Officer

S-1 - Personnel: Processes awards, pay, troop assignments, and UCMJ. The officer in charge is the Adjutant.

S-2 - Intelligence: Collects data on enemy movement, strengths, and deployments. Maintains Signal Operating instructions and radio codes as well as maps.

S-3 - Training and Operations: During peacetime schedules and monitors training. During war plans all movements and deployments and is responsible for ammunition.

S-4 - Supply: Clearing house for all military materials (except ammunition). Handle new and replacement equipment, keep property books, and plan movement of equipment.

SA - Sturmblelung (Nazi Party Brownshirts)

Sgt. - Sergeant

SSgt. - Staff Sergeant

Tec - Technician (usually followed by a number i.e. Tec/5 or Tec. 5 which is a Technician Grade 5)

TOT - Time on Target

Vic - Vicinity

XO - Executive Officer