Appendix December 1944

At the beginning of the period this unit, assigned to First Army, was in position at Bergrath, Germany. It was attached to 18th Field Artillery Group, VII Corps, with the missions of general support of VII Corps and reinforcing the fires of the Division Artillery, 104th Infantry Division. On 2 December 1944, the unit moved to Weisweiler, Germany, continuing with the same missions. The second mission was changed to that of reinforcing the fires of Division Artillery, 9th Infantry Division on 13 December 1944.

The battalion was attached to V Corps and to 187th Field Artillery Group and moved to positions at Rotgen, Germany on 16 December 1944, in general support of 78th Infantry Division. On 23 December 1944, the unit was attached to XIX Corps for operations only, and continued in that status through the remainder of the period.

During the period 14,029 rounds were fired in a total of 688 missions. of these missions, 357 were harassing and neutralization, 191 were counter-battery, 47 were preparation fires, 46 were missions of destruction, 29 were interdiction, 20 were registrations, and 9 were defensive fires. Of the missions fired, 47 were observed.

There were eight (8) battle casualties in the unit during the period, seven (7) being the result of hostile artillery fire, four (4) of which were fatal. The only damage to materiel resulting from enemy action was the destruction of 100 propelling charges and 75 fuzes in the position area of Battery "C", caused by aerial bombs on 18 December 1944.