
Post date: Apr 20, 2012 6:48:38 PM

This is a page for the men and family members of the 751st FABN to share the photos of the men from the battalion. Due to space limitations on Google sites I am unable to upload every picture I receive. If you want to upload your photos and share an album via picasa, google pics, or some other means please share the link and I will post it here. Or if you want to send me the photos I can create an album and post them in a public album for all to see. Enjoy!

Photos taken by SSgt Jerry Servedio and preserved by his son Phil Servedio. Below is a link to the webpage dedicated to Jerry Servedio.

Photos taken by A.J. Kissling and contributed/preserved by his daughter Jan Jaeckle

AJ Kissling "A" Battery

Photos of Frederick Jay Nickisch contributed by his family.

Photos of Robert Worden contributed by his son.

Group photo of the 751st FABN taken July 4th, 1944 in Texas prior to their departure for Europe.

(Photo Courtesy Phil Servedio)

Bottom Row: Kelly Eubanks, Frank Carracciolo, George LaForest, Ted Janowitz, Jim Cureton, Bob Ruth, Jerry Servedio, Pop Tasson, Henry Larcheveque, Capt. James Clark, Lt. Jim Hannum, Lt. McDonnell, Lt. Dugas, Lt. Carey, Sgt. Lavorthe(?), Bob Crofford, Loius Pasal, Bill Cooper, Luther Sutton, Bob Rowley, Harry Hartry, Ernest Winn, Seymour Antin

2nd Row: Al Detmer, Henry Pescatore, Anthony Mickalonie, Charlie Owen, Max Levine, Vincent Ierardi(?), Val Buttignol, Rubin Brown, Heywood Hill, Patsy Caporal, Everett Kerwood, Earl Fisher, Harold Bartell, Al Mack, Jerry Mongelli, George Nanna, Ralph Pucci, Don Rynearson, Nick Bacchhi, Harlan Zuehl, Tony Wrbon (?), Pete Filomino

3rd Row: George Smith, Stanley Hurley, Fred Cotnoir, Robert Worden, Frank Gormley, ???, Fred Caruso, Russell Crouch, Joe Tanzillo, Richard Lilleberg, Robert Peck, Richard Cornelius, Louis Epifanio, ? Sexton, Irving Tisner, Lee Wallach, Helmuth Guarke, Leonard Carlson, George Boggsted, John Goldwaith, John Cornell, John Marks

4th Row: Marion Clark, Richard Parks, Alfred Romano, George Parr, Robert Alger, ? Pelligrino, Eugene DeFredrico, John Capelli, Napolean Irish, John Morten, Harold Stuchel, Alan Moore, William Boyce, William Hewitt, Louis Schneider, Edgar Davis, Ernest Strehle, Joe Ellrott, William Dennin, Douglas Bell, Young Abrams, John Amoruso, Arthur Lloyd, Ed Cox, Mike DeFillipo, Percy Cox, Joseph Bernard