Special Events

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week at SHS

by: Amara Bentley

On Monday October 24th, Shelby and Sunburst Highschool students met in the Shelby auditorium to kick-off red ribbon week. The ReAct Club invited guest speaker, Ty Howard, to speak to students about bullying with his motto: "save a life, save a student, save a dream." The assembly gave demonstrations with balloons and students acted out scenarios. Senior Tanner Deeble said, " Howard’s story about how bullying affects people for life really stood out to him." For some students, learning about how to help stop bullying was important. Junior Randon Richman said, "He talked about being an upstander not a bystander. You can do something about someone being bullied." The lesson helped the student body appreciate and value differences.