
Ag Science-  Donivan Bohman

Culinary Arts-  Kobe Hooker

Business Education-  Cameron Blevins

English-  Elly McDermott 

Math-  Preslee Flesch

Music-  Allan Flores

Physical Education-  Clara Blonde

Physical Education-  Bryson Deeble

Science-  Tenneal McAllister

Social Studies-  Evan Clarke

Ag Science-  Kadence Montgomery

Art-  Rowen Russell

Culinary Arts-  Kayler Austin 

English-  Gracie Ahmels

Math-  Joe Benjamin 

Music-  Marshall Richman 

Physical Education-  Marshall Richman 

Physical Education-  Amelia Clarke 

Science-  Kaedentz Uylaki

Social Studies-  Wyatt Fix

High School

Ag Science-  Donivan Bohman-  Donivan is one of the more thoughtful kids I have in class. He is always so respectful and helpful. Whether he is working on his individual projects, a friend's project, or doing a favor for a faculty/staff member, he is always thinking of others and willing to lend a helping hand. Donivan has evolved into a hard worker who has no limit to his potential.”  Mr. T. White

Art-  Jasmine Hodges-  “Jasmine works hard on her assignments and she is always willing to help other students when they are struggling with their artwork.”  Mr. Guemez

Business Education-  Cameron Blevins-  “Cameron is one of the kindest students I have ever met.  I see her in the hallways and in the classroom taking time to talk to anyone that crosses her path.  In her role as Student Body President she has been so inclusive and really works hard to bring the entire student body together.  These characteristics are going to take her so far in life and bring her such success as she continues on to the next chapter.  We will certainly miss her kind spirit and bright smile each day at Shelby High School next year!”  Ms. Fisher

Culinary Arts-  Kobe Hooker- I chose Kobe Hooker in Culinary Arts.  Kobe always attends class with a positive attitude and asks questions when necessary.  He is well connected to his peers and always shows an effort in his performance.”  Ms. Kovatch

English-  Elly McDermott-  “I chose Elly McDermott for best peer because she is always positive and supportive to everyone in the class. She often works with students who need a partner rather than just choosing a friend sitting next to her. She is kind, thoughtful, and always willing to help people. She is kind to all students-- and I have seen her help junior high students in the hall. Elly embodies leadership, and I am so glad she is in my class”  Ms. Calvery

Math-  Preslee FleschPreslee is very kind to all of her peers.  She encourages others to work hard and sets a good example for her peers by having a good attitude and by helping others with their classwork.  Way to go Preslee!”  Mr. Smith

Music-  Allan Flores-  Allan Flores was nominated as the best peer in music for his constant desire to make sure everyone is supported in our classroom. He works hard to encourage his classmates as they all are working together in learning new music. This is all while Allen himself is learning to play the baritone for the first time. His work and encouragement is a good model for the other students in his class.”  Mr. Gruber

Physical Education-  Bryson Deeble-  “Byrson does an outstanding job of being a positive peer to his fellow classmates. Byrson exhibits quality characteristics and is always looking for ways to help a situation be better! Great job Byrson!”  Mr. M. White

Physical Education-  Clara Blonde-  “Clara is kind to everyone and goes out of her way to interact with those who are introverted in class. She is kind but encouraging to others to try new things. Way to go Clara!”  Ms. McCann

Science-  Tenneal McAllisterTenneal is always ready to help her classmates, even if she is only starting to make sense of the material herself.  Always being ready to lend a hand or ask a question makes Tenneal an invaluable peer in her biology class.”  Mr. Palmer

Social Studies-  Evan Clarke-  “Evan is a positive role model who supports his peers.  He works well with anyone. Evan encourages his peers to stay on task and do their best.”  Ms. Moylan

Junior High

Ag Science-  Kadence Montgomery-  “Kadence is a natural-born leader among her peers. She has a unique way of rallying her friends to work hard and try new things. Kadence is also confident enough to stand alone and be her own person. In the shop, she is almost always the last one to clean up and make sure the shop is back in order. I appreciate Kadence's integrity and positive influence on her classmates.”  Mr. T. White

Art-  Rowen Russell-  “Rowen is doing a great job in her artwork, and when she is done with her assignments she helps other students with theirs.”  Mr. Guemez

Culinary Arts-  Kayler Austin-I chose Kayler Austin in Intro to Foods.  Kayler always comes to class with a positive behavior and she works well with fellow students.  I admire her respectful direction in the classroom!  ” Ms. Kovatch

English-  Gracie Ahmels-  “Gracie Ahmels is a great student and always helpful to her peers. She is quick to help someone who is struggling and rarely criticizes. Her quiet, steady manner makes her someone that classmates can depend on for help and understanding. Gracie is an amazing young lady. ”  Ms. Hough

Math-  Joe Benjamin-  “Joe consistently demonstrates outstanding qualities and goes above and beyond to help his classmates. His strong work ethic and timely completion of tasks set a great example. Keep up the good work!”  Ms. Wagan

Music-  Marshall Richman-  “Marshall Richman has risen as a leader in his group during choir. He sings out and has emerged as a vocal performer that encourages others to be engaged. Marshall definitely has a leadership quality in the classroom. Thanks for the hard work, Marshall. ”  Mr. Gruber

Physical Education-  Marshall RichmanMarshall is continually on the lookout for a fellow peer to help, guide or befriend. Marshall is a quiet leader who carries a lot of clout when it comes to his peers. Marshall finds ways to get others involved, project positive encouragement and leads by example! Great job Marshall!”  Mr. White

Physical Education-  Amelia Clarke-  “I chose Amelia Clarke as Best Peer because she is willing to help anyone and everyone in PE. She has worked hard in the weight room during class and on her own time and has become very knowledgeable about form. She does a great job helping those less confident in the weight room. I appreciate having Amelia in class!”  Ms. McCann

Science-  Kaedentz Uylaki-  “Kaedentz is a positive, kind, caring, hard working young lady who I have observed to go out of her way to help both fellow students and adults.

This is exactly the kind of kid I want on my zombie bus!”  Mr. Lee


Social Studies-  Wyatt Fix-  Wyatt Fix has really applied himself in the classroom this year. He encourages discussion among his peers and that makes him the best peer this month. Keep up the good work, Wyatt!” Mr. Buck