New Year's Resolutions 

New Years Resolutions

by: Maja Slavik

Do you have new years resolutions? Or did you already give up on them? 

Millions of people set New Year's resolutions every year, but studies show that only 9-12% of them actually reach their goals. Many people already give up in the first week or by the end of January, if they make it past that point the resolutions are more likely to be held until the year ends. The most common reason to give up a resolution is losing motivation. Other reasons given are: being too busy or a shift in goals and priorities. According to, young adults between 18 and 34 are most likely to set these goals, but some students from Shelby High School also have set goals to reach in 2023. 

Senior, Megan Benjamin, has been setting new resolutions for many years. She says that they can be very beneficial if you actually stick to them because they help her stay more focused on what her goal is and remind her that she has something to work for. Megan said, “I have two New Year's resolutions.” One of them is to go to the gym more often, and since the new semester is coming up, she also wants to concentrate more on school and get her grades up. 

According to most people are more likely to concentrate on one goal rather than multiple. Popular goals are for example saving money and spending more time with friends and family. 70% of  people choose resolutions concerning their physical health, like working out more or starting a healthier diet. Especially after Covid-19 more people want to focus on their mental and physical health in the new year, making becoming healthier the most popular New Year's resolution. 

New Year's resolutions are set everywhere around the world. Even foreign exchange student, Andrea Reppe Vatn from Norway, sets them every year. Her goals also revolve around health. She wants to be more active and have more fruit. Andrea is also planning on being more grateful and wants to enjoy the last half of her exchange year. She doesn’t know if all of her resolutions will make it to the end of the year but Andrea says “I will try at least”. In the past she has had many resolutions, especially being on her phone less which she can never stick to. But she keeps making resolutions because they help her with keeping her goals in mind and it makes it easier to hold what she plans on doing.