Thank a Veteran November 11th

Why Veterans are Important

by: Kirstyn McCurdy

Veterans are important because Americans would not have the freedom, liberty, and country we have today. They protect our freedoms and rights. They also provide aid and community resources and services.

America wouldn't be as prosperous as a nation without protecting our rights, and opportunities like education, healthcare, and jobs. According to the Legatum institute, the United States is ranked top 20 out of 167 states on the prosperity scale.

I think veterans are important because they fight and risk their lives for Americans to have a good healthy community and lifestyle. They also are very inspiring and brave. We should value and respect them for that because they have families and homes that they leave just to protect and keep a good safe environment for Americans.

Veterans have made so many sacrifices. For example, my Step-mom had to leave her family, belongings, house, and animals behind to serve in the Marines. She was also pregnant when she was stationed at the MCRD Parris island, Sc for 4years and Camp Johnson for 4 months. My personal interview with my step-mom, who is a Veteran, gave me a lot of information and changed my perspective on veterans. It helped me appreciate the freedom, rights, and government we have. Students should talk to Veterans in order to really understand all of the great things we have and learn from them.

The majority of people respect and value the hard work the Veterans do for us. According to Pew research, 80% of Americans would advise a young person to join the military. Without the Veterans, we would not have the freedom we have if they didn't fight in World wars or any wars for that matter. What could young people learn from joining the military? They could learn better teamwork, adaptability, superior decision making skills, the power of intense force etc.

The Veterans protect our country and also help during disasters, emergencies, or times of need. According to the American Red Cross, These vital services range from responding to emergency needs for food, clothes, and shelters, referrals to counseling services (e.g., financial, legal jobs, mental health), information on Veterans cemeteries and burial benefits, and other resources that meet the unique needs of local Veterans and their families. From experience of being from Louisiana during hurricanes, the military would send their soldiers to help people who are trapped or hurt. I now live in Montana where there are a lot of wildfires and the soldiers come and help stop the fires or rescue people who are trapped or hurt. They take risks to help others and keep people in our country safe.

Veterans are a symbol of what our country stands for. According to Veterans., President Wilson, and the founders of Flag day recognized the creators of Old Glory and took great care in considering every aspect of the Emblem of our nation. Like many of us, those founders recalled with great pride the symbolism of the design of our flag and wanted to install that pride and understanding of the flag’s significance in future generations. The first fold of the flag is respect for life, while the third honors the veterans who had departed, and the fifth is a tribute to our country- to identify just a few of the fold's meanings. If we didn't have Veterans. We wouldn't be the same as today. Veterans made us safe. They fight for our freedom, right, country, living, homes, and everything we have.