Speech and Drama

2023-2024 season

State placers Calista Calvery, Jadis Scarborough and state champion Donald Tronson II

Donald Tronson II performing his humorous solo piece

Faith Robinson performing her humorous solo piece

Calista Calvery and Jadis Scarborough performing their humorous duo piece

Renee Hammond performing her dramatic solo piece

Sha'nyia Cuthbert performing her humorous oral interpretation piece

Aiyana Franco performing her dramatic solo piece

Spring High School Play 2023: The Actor Games

The Speech and Drama team had a very productive year gradually getting better throughout the year. There was eight competitors this year with seven of them making state. Donald Tronson finished with placing 3rd at state in humorous solo. We encourage anyone and everyone who want to try and go and participate in Speech and Drama next year. Go Coyotes!!!

Donald Tronson showcasing his piece.

Aiyana Franco preforming her very dramatic piece.

The team getting abord the bus to go to state!

Calista Calvery and Jadis Scarborough preforming their comedic duo piece.

Renee Hammond preforming her piece during the schools showcase.