Welcome to 

8th Grade Math!



8th Grade Math: Finish up Odds and Ends

Review for Final Exam May 14 - 21 

Section 2: Finish Chapter 13

Review for Final Exam May 14 - 21 

Section 3: Complete current chapter

Review for Final Exam May 14 - 21 


8th Grade Math Final Exam: May 13th Exam

Final Exam May 22rd

Section 2: Chapter 13 Exam May 13th

Final Exam May 22rd

Section 3: Varies

Final Exam May 22rd


Welcome to 8th Grade Math!

We will be using the Prentice Hall Algebra 1 California Edition text book.

I couldn't be more excited to welcome you all to my 8th Grade Math class. I absolutely love Algebra, and hope to pass a little of my enthusiasm on to my students. Math should be fun! There shouldn't be a bunch of rules you have to memorize, or a ton of homework. I want my students challenged, not frustrated. 

I have done my best to tailor the 8th grade math curriculum so each child’s needs are met. I want students to share in my love of Algebra without being held back, bored, or left behind. To that end, I have created the following sections for my students. 


For students who found Pre-Algebra challenging, I have put together a more basic curriculum with lots of review, step-by-step instructions, and focused work on common trouble areas. These students will receive a daily lecture, a notebook filled with my class notes and in-class exercises, as well as shorter homework. We will cover most of the topics studied by the section 2 students, but this group’s work will be stripped of the more challenging algebra concepts while focusing on the basics.


Students who would rather not work ahead, and students who prefer an in-person lesson will be placed in this section. These students will be working at a pace that allows them to complete the course by the end of the year. This section will receive a daily lecture and have full access to my video lectures to help with homework, fill in if they miss a class, and to help study for exams


Students who excel at math and tend to work at a faster pace will be offered the opportunity to receive their lectures through a flipped classroom. These students can work at their own pace, watching videos of my lectures outside class, then completing their homework in class where they can ask questions and receive help. If these students complete the 8th grade Algebra book, they can progress to lectures and work using the Algebra II text book.


8th Grade Math / Algebra I

My name is Laura Anderson, and I am your algebra instructor. I absolutely love algebra and I am super excited to work with you!

Contacting Me

I am only teaching three classes so I will be leaving campus prior to lunch. If you have questions about your homework your best bet is to email me at landerson@selwynschool.com. I will check my email for messages until 5:00 pm. If you find you need help after 5:00, please see me before class the following day as I will be on campus at 7:30 am (I will notify you if that time changes). If you are unable to meet me before class let me know as my schedule is flexible and I want to be sure you get the help you need.


We will be using the Algebra 1 California Edition text published by Prentice Hall. We will also be using Kahoot, Blooket, and Google Sheets.


You will have homework, test, and quiz grades.

I have outlined below how I intend to weigh your grades.

·         Quizzes 10%

·         Homework 40%

·         Tests 50%



I plan on giving you one short quiz a week, typically on Monday. This is to help me assess where you are and if I need to adjust our schedule to review the previous week’s lessons.


You will be assigned daily homework, which you should be able to complete in class. I expect this to be turned in the day after assigned unless I note an exception when assigning your work. Late homework will automatically be docked 20%, and I will not accept late work once we have completed the chapter exam. I will publish our weekly schedule on our school portal, Facts. You can refer to Facts to view upcoming assignments and your grades as I will typically update your account daily. Important note: I will publish your schedule for the week, but it may change as we adapt our pace to the needs of the class. You shouldn’t have more than 30 minutes of math homework, so if you find it is taking you longer to complete your assignments, please let me know so I can adjust your work accordingly.

Use of Online Resources

You have access to a vast array of online resources that will solve your Algebra problems for you, and even show you the steps. I caution you against relying on these sites. It’s nice to be able to check your work or get help on a problem you can’t seem to solve, but overuse of these sites will hinder your learning. Algebra is a skill you need to complete your high school level math and science classes. Without the necessary skills, you are going to find a future full of challenges you are not equipped to meet. Using the sites to check your work or to get help when I am not available is perfectly acceptable. Using the sites to complete your homework assignments is not. 

Note Taking

I encourage you to take notes during class. These will help you prepare for quizzes and tests. Note taking is a critical skill and the sooner you learn to take good notes the better. You may use any note-taking format you like, but I encourage you to try The Cornell Method as it has a long history of success.

Class Structure

You will have three options when it comes to your pace and learning method. Those of you who want to work ahead may choose the flipped class. With this option you will watch a video of my lecture outside class before completing your assignment in class where I am available to answer any questions. Flipped students must watch the video lesson. If you do not want to watch video lessons, or cannot learn by watching video lessons, join us in the on-pace group.

If you are happy working at a pace that will see that you complete our Algebra book by the end of the year, you will work on-pace. You will receive a lecture daily and will use the remainder of the class period to complete your assignments. You can also take advantage of the video lessons if you need a review or are absent from class.

Finally, for those who need some review prior to tackling Algebra, I will also give you a daily lecture. You will be using an 8th Grade Pre-Algebra workbook I have created just for you! This workbook will also serve as your notebook, and you will have use of it during exams.

The on-pace and flipped class students will begin their class period with a warm-up exercise. I will use this time to cover the lesson for the students studying 8th Grade Pre-Algebra. The class will then review the warm-up exercise and I will present the day’s lesson to the on-pace Algebra students. Flipped class students should begin their daily assignment.

Near the end of class, the on-pace Algebra students will reflect on the day’s lesson, sharing what they learned or what they found most challenging.

Phone Use

There have been changes to the middle school rules regarding the use of cell phones in school. Use of mobile phones is prohibited for all middle school students. If your parents need to reach you during class time, they can phone the front office and leave a message or text me (I will be giving them my cell number). I have a hanging “parking lot”  where you will need to place your phones during class time. If you are caught using your cell phone, it will be given to the Head of Middle School (Mrs. Kinder) for the remainder of the day. Your parents will need to come in to retrieve your phone after school. You are allowed use of your cell phone after school.