7th Grade Overview

7th Grade Overview

7th Grade Humanities Class Overview

Typical class routine:

Grammar Instruction

There will be direct grammar instruction and practice over target skills. Grammar assignments will be graded and students may receive additional practice if needed for understanding or mastery. All written work will be evaluated for proper use of grammar conventions based on individual instructional goals. 

Grammar topics include: Sentence construction and analysis, phrases and clauses, parts of speech, subject-verb agreement, verb tenses and voice, modifiers, comparative and superlative modifiers, and proper capitalization and punctuation 

Wordly Wise

Wordly Wise is a vocabulary program that focuses on context, nuance of meaning, and proper usage. Each unit has a word list with five practice exercises. Exercises A, B, C, D will be independent work that we will go over together in class. Exercise E is a reading comprehension exercise that will be turned in for a grade. There will be a vocabulary test with each unit, and there are periodic review puzzles that will count as quiz grades. We will not have spelling tests, but spelling will count on the graded assignments. Additionally, there will be periodic writing projects related to the word lists. 


Each interim will focus on a specific humanities theme which will guide our reading assignments. We will use our reading selections to work on comprehension strategies, understanding of literary elements, and literary analysis. There will be a variety of responsive activities to accomplish this. All assignments, expectations, and project parameters will be based on individual student needs, interests, and specific educational goals. No two students will have the same exact plan. There will be regular student-teacher status meetings to go over progress, set goals, and provide feedback. 

Responsive Activities include: class discussion using the Harkness method, book reports focusing on comprehension and personal opinion, book profiles focusing on literary analysis, research projects with presentations, descriptive or comparative essays, persuasive essays, biographies, infographics, group projects, or independent projects. 

Writing Projects

For each project, students will be expected to complete all stages of the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing). When writing, students will also focus on citing textual evidence, avoiding plagiarism, and proper citation of sources. All papers will be graded by rubric with assessment based on individual progress and not compared to another student’s work. Progress will be gauged during student-teacher status meetings to help the student decide how to plan their time.


All students are expected to write in cursive. Practice focusing on legibility and proper formation will be assigned as needed. 


Each interim will have a different social studies focus that will determine our reading selections, activities, and projects. Students will be introduced to a variety of note-taking methods, with emphasis placed on the Cornell Method. Class discussion will be based on the Harkness model that encourages active participation that is student led with the teacher as moderator. 

Each humanities unit will include the following:

7th Grade Topics

7th Grade Humanities Topics

Humanities in 7th Grade focuses on the interrelated nature of innovation and conflict, and the growing pains that occur as societies advance and adapt.

1st Interim: Mesoamerica

Summer Reading:  Tales of the Feathered Serpent: Rise of the Halfling King by David Bowles

Teacher Read: Rick Riordan Presents: The Storm Runner by J.C. Cervantes

2nd Interim: Texas History

Class Novel: White Lilacs by Carolyn Meyer 

Other resources: biographies of important Texans

3rd Interim: The Cold War and Space Race

Class Novel: Suspect Red by L. M. Elliott 

Teacher Read: The Genius Under the Table: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain by Eugene Yelchin

4th Interim: Korean War and Vietnam War

Class Novel: When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller 

Teacher Read: Shooting the Moon by Francis O’Roark Dowell 

The interim overviews are general outlines that are subject to change based on progress, student interest, and where our studies take us.

1st Interim

7th Grade - Ist Interim Overview

Warm Up Routine:

The first 5-10 minutes of each class will start with our warm up time. When you come into the classroom, check the board and make sure your planner is up to date. Write in your gratitude journal and then complete the 6 word memoir for the day in google slides. 

Getting to Know the Routine

The first few weeks will be spent focusing on classroom expectations. We will also go over the basics of the Cornell method for note taking and Harkness method for class discussion, both of which we will use throughout the year. 

Wordly Wise

We will complete Units 1-5 this interim and the WW1-4 review puzzle. 


This interim we will focus on sentence basics. This will include types of sentences, punctuation, complete sentences, and subject and predicate. We will also learn about phrases, clauses, restrictive and nonrestrictive elements, conjunctions, and sentence structure and variety. 

Summer Reading

Discussion of Tales of the Feathered Serpent

Book Report Feedback 

Dress as Favorite Character Presentation


2nd Interim

7th Grade - 2nd Interim Overview

Warm Up Routine:

The first 5-10 minutes of each class will start with our warm up time. When you come into the classroom, check the board and make sure your planner is up to date. Write in your gratitude journal and then complete the 6 word memoir for the day in google slides. 

Wordly Wise

We will complete Units 6-10 this interim and the WW5-8 review puzzle. 


This interim we will focus on nouns, pronouns, and verbs. 


3rd Interim

7th Grade - 3rd Interim Overview

Warm Up Routine:

The first 5-10 minutes of each class will start with our warm up time. When you come into the classroom, check the board and make sure your planner is up to date. Write in your gratitude journal and then complete the 6 word memoir for the day in google slides. 

Wordly Wise

We will complete Units 11-15, the WW1-10 midterm, and the WW9-12 review puzzle. 


This interim we will focus on verbs and modifiers. 

The Cold War and the Space Race 

Teacher Read: The Genius Under the Table: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain by Eugene Yelchin

4th Interim

7th Grade - 4th Interim Overview

Warm Up Routine:

The first 5-10 minutes of each class will start with our warm up time. When you come into the classroom, check the board and make sure your planner is up to date. Write in your gratitude journal and then complete the 6 word memoir for the day in google slides. 

Wordly Wise

We will complete Units 16-20, the WW13-16 and WW17-20 review puzzles, and the WW1-20 final.


This interim we will focus on prepositions and a review of capitalization and punctuation

Korean and Vietnam Wars 

Teacher Read: Shooting the Moon by Francis O’Roark Dowell