IT Guidance Committee


To engage with, inform, and provide feedback from school perspectives to support effective planning, communication, and implementation of technology in all areas of the system.

Members of this committee may be asked to join sub groups or specific ad hoc committees around identified areas of need.


It was originally requested that each school nominate an individual to the committee. We hoped that representation would be a mix between school leadership and classroom teachers, and it is. Committee members did not need to be IT “experts” in their building, and in fact it is working well that we currently have a range of experience in this area on the committee.

Reps from Central Office, the Division IT department and each school meet twice annually to discuss the Division's IT Strategic Goals, to ask and answer questions, to give feedback on decisions, and to form an information conduit between IT and all stakeholders.

The committee members for 2019 are on this list. Contact your school rep if you have any questions.