
10th grade

Please note: any picture that I look serious in demonstrates that I'm really into the topic. As you will read in a moment I will never be able to put into words how much I enjoyed this trip.

Research questions

  • How does communism affect schools?
  • What is it like to be teachers in Cuba?
  • Do teachers ever deviate from what they're required to do?
  • Do teachers have the liberty to shape the curriculum or are they required to teach directly from the government’s directives?
  • Do students have a voice in their classes? Can they express dissent?
  • What do history, literature, humanities classes look like?

How was your trip?

Years of research cannot prepare you for a place like Cuba, or anywhere for that matter. I spent the past year and half believing that I was well versed in at least the basics of Cuba as well as communism. Yet after the first day it had become abundantly clear to me that I knew very little about either one. I felt embarrassed as someone who claims to be a woke aspiring activist to have so blindly accepted so much propaganda against this beautiful nation. I left Cuba with more questions than answers. That is to say I learned so much!

My trip was an unexpectedly earth shaking experience. I learned so much and can't express how much this trip meant to me. It not only couldn't have come at a better time vacation wise but also academically too. In fact I wonder how much more open minded I would be if I was given the same opportunity at a younger age. Cuba taught me many things. I recognized how many things in Cuba that were a given or common that as an American I could learn so much from. For example; the ability to live in a nation where safe sex and abortions are not taboo topics. After many long discussions on the topic my views on communism will never be the same. I fell in love with activities like dancing again because of Havana's lively music and people. And the people! I have never met a group of human beings so genuine and appreciative. Cuba gave me a new thirst for not only travel but experiencing and learning about different ways of living life and looking at the world.Because of this experience I am now a lot more open to learning. Cuba was definitely a home away from home and inspired me in many ways to have higher goals for my community and for my country.

And I owe this to all of the amazing teachers and girls I experienced this journey with. We have all drank the magical Cuban coconut water and have become a little wiser because of it.

I would like to thank all that made this trip possible. Thank you to all my teachers who were so gracious and understanding with my assignments. Of course I have to thank everyone in the SLA community willing to buy a pretzel! As well MIL GRACIAS to all of those who donated! I cannot express to you all how much this trip meant to me. Thank you Altruvistas for planning such an amazing trip and thank you, Yoseti, for going above and beyond to help us really get to experience Cuba. This trip as said before has made me grow and wish to continue doing so in ways that only Cuba can. I did not take this trip for granted. Thank to everyone - I enjoyed every minute of it. I only hope that one day I will be able to offer a similar traveling experience to others.