
10th grade

Research questions

  • What is life like for the LGBTQ+ community in Cuba? (Societal Views vs Political Views)
  • What kind of laws are in place that limit or protect their rights?
  • Have any peoples movements occurred in Cuba after the Revolution? What was the outcome?

How was your trip?

Before going to Cuba, I expected a very one-way country with little public expression, and overall just strict. This is all based off what I heard in the US. In reality, perhaps Cubans are the ones doing it right. Their way of living is so expressive and relaxed. Everyone has their basic human needs met, and then some. Free healthcare, education, treatment, low cost food, and much more. Expression is encouraged here, and diversity is celebrated. No one is segregated into a separate community, everyone is a Cuban. Going to Cuba was one of the best decisions I've made in high school. It was an educational experience I might not get to have later on in life, so I'm proud that I got the chance to experience the country the way it is now.

Thank You To...

First of all, I want to say thank you to Altruvistas, the program we collaborated with to make this trip happen. They organized a really awesome itinerary for us that we all enjoyed and really benefited. It ranged from salsa lessons to meetings with a Cuban history professor. It was a really diverse trip and we gained so much knowledge from everyone we met; no person or place was the same and everyone had so much to offer!

Second, thank you to the Home and School, SLA staff & students, and everyone else who supported all of us in many different ways. Whether it was buying from one of our many pretzel sales, coming to have a good time at an event we hosted, or even just spreading word and the links to all of our donate pages! We appreciate everyone's contributions so much!

Lastly, I really want to thank Srta Manuel, Ms. Sessa, Ms. Jonas and Ms. Diane who were on the trip with us. You all were very fun to be around. You opened our eyes to the world around us and supported us directly while we were there. Thank you for putting up with us when we got ridiculous as well. Thanks for being super awesome and super fun to be around!

Thank You All For Your Support!